Recent content by peepsight

  1. peepsight

    DYNA-GRO K.L.N concentrate

    Does anyone here have experience with kln concentrate? And if so do you dilute it as directed 1tsp/gal will that work for cannabis cuttings? Sent from my ZTE V768 using Rollitup mobile app
  2. peepsight

    Whats?? going on here guys???

    Thanks guys for the help Rh high 68 low 57 Temp during light are 72-77 Temp at night a little cooler so drops a few degrees Tried my best to way it off with water and my fingers, no go Sent from my ZTE V768 using Rollitup mobile app
  3. peepsight

    Whats?? going on here guys???

    day 24 since seedling from bag bean rotate feed and spray coco canna A+B 15ml each FF big bud 50ml rizotonic 15ml cannazyme 10ml comes out to 1200 ppm and I dilute it to 750ppm at 5,9ph all of a sudden i am getting white cloudy spots on the fan leaves new problem for me. any ideas? Is it...
  4. peepsight

    Just got busted with 3 plants but recieved no charges.?.?

    if your in Columbus Ohio, they were real cops and like someone else said, one of your buddies got bopped, rolled on you they came and did a knock and talk found that you were only small time, your buddy probably made you out to be a big dealer to get himself off. They were pissed that you had...
  5. peepsight

    Veg branching & growth

    the lights are 20" away
  6. peepsight

    Veg branching & growth

    Hey got my lil one here, seems pretty squat to me. just a bag bean think he said it was mango. AnyWho should I rise the lights more to encourage some vertical growth or let them squat? Advice appreciated fellow puffers. day 15 under revolving 600w/1000w/600w = 18/6 canna coco EVEYTHING
  7. peepsight

    Mixed strain grow, california medical

    Dank. Subscribed! Sent from my ZTE V768 using Rollitup mobile app
  8. peepsight

    Transplant at morning, noon or night

    Thanks guys. Just wanted to ask some more experienced guys. Transplanted them last night into a coco mix soaked with a 350 ppm solution. Sent from my ZTE V768 using Rollitup mobile app
  9. peepsight

    Transplant at morning, noon or night

    Do you guys have any recommendations on what time of the day to transplant? Morning Noon Night Sent from my ZTE V768 using Rollitup mobile app
  10. peepsight

    Green Perlite???

    Thanks that really helps! Its nice that you guys try to help us new guys. Gave em a 300ppm solution today as i plan to transplant tomorrow, i cut the bottom of the weakest plant and roots galore! Sent from my ZTE V768 using Rollitup mobile app
  11. peepsight

    Cal-mag + !?

    Nothing guys??? Sent from my ZTE V768 using Rollitup mobile app
  12. peepsight

    Cal-mag + !?

    I recently did a search of cal-mag+ nutrients online and the results that came back were mind boggling. Any recommendations on a particular brand that pairs well with coco? much appreciated !
  13. peepsight

    2 week & dark purple stems

    This is my second week from seed, using the canna coco line of nutrients, tops all look healthy but the stems are dark purple and very bendy??? Any suggestion I've read that it could be because I've used RO water and no cal mag, supplement. Any truth??? Sent from my ZTE V768 using Rollitup...
  14. peepsight

    First transplant from seed!!! COCO

    great advice, ill try that
  15. peepsight

    First transplant from seed!!! COCO

    since they're is no invisible soil how should I know that my root ball has grown to a sufficient size for transplanting??