Recent content by RollerJointer

  1. R

    What's wrong with my clones? =(

    This is my beautiful healthy mother, about 3 weeks into flowering. She's doing amazing, for a short while head burnt tips but very minor, and it eventually just cleared up. Before flowering I took 3 cuttings who were very healthy but seem to be getting worse as they grow. Clones were cut with...
  2. R


    yes, a plant is like a person. needs food and water. If you grew it without nutes it wouldnt be even close to the potential it could be if it was fed even just a little bit.
  3. R

    Friend wants to know

    Get her ID out of there, that can only bring problems if you ever got caught. Just buy some mylar my f riend, and you're gonna need venting if you go above cfls.
  4. R

    Sprout Questions

    two to three weeks
  5. R

    This nute combo good?

    20-20-20? I thought you wanted high N and low P and low K in veg?I can't find a good chart or description that says whats best to use and how much... can anyone direct me?
  6. R

    This nute combo good?

    I have some scotts rose and bloom 12-4-8 that im mixing with bloodmeal 12-0-0 for vegging. When I switch to flowering I have some Colorburst 15-30-15 this gonna be ok?
  7. R

    Flowering day 7 (female)

    Gotta say, it does look kinda funny... dont think I've really come across something like that. Very bushy from the cfl, maybe you should trim some of the leaves for a better yield. There's ways to do it in the FAQ.
  8. R

    Starting my first grow

    no prob, i just went out and bought me a 40lb bag of hyponex for 3.97... =) im a happy camper.
  9. R


    hyponex potting soil, black white purple bag, its what i use anyhow..
  10. R

    Starting my first grow

    you can get ladybugs at pet stores, they're worth it o O
  11. R

    High on leaves!! Is it possible female?

    Well, I guess if its getting you mentally high, keep on doing it =)
  12. R

    Starting my first grow

    sweet, negative rep for my joke comment, was laughing at the interruptor not the thread sorry... Try Hyponex potting soil. A lot of places with garden centers in hardware stores carry it. Purple white and black bag. If you're having bug issues from where you're getting your soil, I've also heard...
  13. R

    Headies Seeds

    Im definitely gonna clone and have a mother, I just need that first female =( I probably will buy some supergirl or wonderwoman and start cloning off them, there cheap anyway, just trying to save money, but if it means months of getting males or hermies i might as well spend.
  14. R


    panhead, shhh. A decent grow setup costs a few hundred dollars. I did the same shit as him, started with nothing, worked my way up. Greenseed, in the nicest way possible you gotta do a lot more reading. Read the growfaq. There are a lot of basics that you dont got the concept of and you're...
  15. R


    You dont have any pics? I still dont understand what kind of light you could have. Is it a shop light with 2 bulbs 48" long? this is a quick description with pics on how to use the plate method, GROWFAQ You could use cups but you should go out and buy the jiffy pots. They're great for starting...