Recent content by undercoverfbi

  1. undercoverfbi

    (HS) Jibber Jabber Thread

    I'm back mutual fu*@&'rs!
  2. undercoverfbi

    Southern Colorado Growers

    Hello...? Anyone out there in the pikes peak region? Im excited for next years outdoor, as far away as it is. When spring 2020 comes ill be curious for local genetics, if anyone wants to point me in such a direction. (I missed the opportunity to grow outdoors this year :-|)
  3. undercoverfbi

    Come Here when Tripping **Seizure warning**

    Acid in Colorado, anyone else?
  4. undercoverfbi

    Come Here when Tripping **Seizure warning**

    Ho my god Im on acid for the first time ever in my 25 year old life Its magical, been tripping balls for hours And it keeps going omgyes
  5. undercoverfbi

    Northern Colorado growers

    Anyone in SoCo..... south 719 area?
  6. undercoverfbi

    Random Jabber Jibber thread Yo, 173 pounds of bud? 3800 grams of concentrate? She got charged with just, only possession and careless driving? What a world.
  7. undercoverfbi

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    Yea... I only have bct pics of me. Fun.
  8. undercoverfbi

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    They (Army) gave me a chapter 5-11!!! Was 11C. I miss it! I enjoyed the fuck outta it. Fun shit. I want to re-enlist as soon as possible.
  9. undercoverfbi

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    My roomate is officially schizophrenic. He hasn't slept for 4 days, axed his computer to death and accuses me of being apart of a plan against him as he pushed me out of our apartment . Oh and he's done some spooky crack head shit like spray painting his bedroom doors horribly, building and...
  10. undercoverfbi

    Uppers and sexuality

    Lol yeah true, same with ice. When I used, I ended up preferring better times doing work/labor tasks such as home remodeling or crafts. Way funner than wasting unproductive hours, browsing juicy tits n bubble ass. Beer and weed is always better, there's more culture for the product and social...
  11. undercoverfbi

    The meth was fun but work frustration gave me high blood pressure and impotence.

    The meth was fun but work frustration gave me high blood pressure and impotence.
  12. undercoverfbi


  13. undercoverfbi

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    getting lethargic and bored waiting for daylight to do shit- bored enough to consider watching an episode of The Connors. Is this what Staff duty gonna be like.. If I die overseas, mix my ashes into some Rockwool growing weed or something. Ill come back... As a ghost... Haunting your...
  14. undercoverfbi

    I could not have picked a worse week to open my poisonous slug restaurant

    I had to Google this shit. Its real god damnit
  15. undercoverfbi

    what's everybody's go to drink for dry mouth?

    I'm glad its not just me that does this lol. - I like ice water and light/clear sodas, such as ginger ale