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  1. jm30

    First Grow: Shamanistic Transition into Flowering

    Expect them to double in size and fill out with beautiful buds! Good luck. Get some side lighting in there.
  2. jm30

    First Harvest. White Widow CFL.

    I would pound the crap out of someone for selling me glass. I guess that's why we grow our own. Don't have to deal with money hungry scumbags.
  3. jm30

    Pull up a seat, there's room for everyone

    Wish I had a harvest to trim.
  4. jm30

    i have every single bug in my plant

    Any Hardware or Garden store will sell NO PEST STRIPS. They work pretty good.
  5. jm30

    Pull up a seat, there's room for everyone

    Totally. If there's a spot above the lights above the stadium. Should work great. You have used those things outdoor before right? I think I remember you posting a picture somewhere on here. I wish I had the freedom to do all the experimenting you do. Need some med laws where I 'm at.
  6. jm30

    Please help. I need to know the excact weight

    An eighth is 3.5 grams. A quarter is 7 grams. Ounce is 28. Do the math. 20 sack is usually 1 gram if it's good weed.
  7. jm30

    buyin new nutes need help

    I flushed my last crop for 2 weeks. No nutes. I think I used molasses almost till the end.
  8. jm30

    my little sister is a dumbass..

    It turns into a pissing match really quick.
  9. jm30

    Single Plant, Personal Use

    Germ. in a DARK place. Usually show taproot within 48 hours. Make sure paper towel stays damp.
  10. jm30

    my little sister is a dumbass..

    My cat's go apeshit on catnip. They beat the shit out of eachother. Like PCP for cats. Useless to humans. Too bad.
  11. jm30

    buyin new nutes need help

    I mix them seperately. I have a jug for each nutrient. Yes, you feed both. That's why I wanted you to look at the schedule. Print it out and follow it. You don't need the solubles, but I recommend them. You can also use some molasses during flower. 1 tsp-1gal.
  12. jm30

    my little sister is a dumbass..

    Damn, yall are still at it? Fire one up and relax. Just don't smoke any catnip.
  13. jm30

    buyin new nutes need help

    They work in conjunction with each other. Google FF feeding schedule. Yeah, they are a bit pricey. There are plenty of other nutes that work awesome.
  14. jm30

    i have every single bug in my plant

    Hey Dr Green- what'd you do with your plants?
  15. jm30

    First Harvest. White Widow CFL.

    Not bad. What strain? The plant def. looks like it could have gone another week at least. Still very green. Just my 2 cents.
  16. jm30

    buyin new nutes need help

    I use the whole FF line. Get the feeding schedule and follow to a T. Buy the Tiger Bloom, Open Sesame, Beastie Blooms and Cha Ching. You can even overfeed a little and your plants won't get burnt. In my experience anyways.
  17. jm30

    Single Plant, Personal Use

    You can't make chicken soup from chicken shit. If you want some descent smoke do a little research and spend a little cash. The equiptment will pay for itself soon enough. Trust me. My first grow I tried doing it cheap and realized I'd better invest a little to get a better end result. Have fun.
  18. jm30

    i have every single bug in my plant

    Neem Oil? Do you have hydro shop close by? There are lots of products out there.
  19. jm30

    Harvesting early - do these buds look ready?

    What are the circumstances? Because those need weeks more time. Dillweed's right it will be a huge waste. Those buds are gonna shrink down to nothing. Have you even flushed them? You need to figure out some way to give them the time they need.
  20. jm30

    Pull up a seat, there's room for everyone

    I wish I let my last grow go longer. I didn't have the patience. My leaves were still green. I learn a lot from reading your journals. Next round I will wait until it has that finished look. My trichomes were probably 20% amber.