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  1. oHIGHo™

    Name that Bud!

    I had 3 bag seeds I saved from an .oz around 2019 or 2020. I do not remember what. They were the only 3 seeds in the bag. After Ohio made it legal to grow I started them in January. Only one sprouted. As I was growing and reading I misunderstood exactly when I should flip it so I let it get...
  2. oHIGHo™

    Calculating flowering time

    Oh I know it will...I just gotta pace myself. :D
  3. oHIGHo™

    Calculating flowering time

    Yeah I read the whole thread.... fascinating stuff. It even made me go search online for Temperature and humidity controlled humidors and they do exist but they are expensive and some of the reviews are really bad. I've got one 1st grow, I have already spent a small fortune on...
  4. oHIGHo™

    Calculating flowering time

    Ok...."from flip" that's what I'm looking for. Thank you. To answer your question, I don't know. This is my first grow, it's going great so far, it was a bag seed. One of 3 I had saved for a couple years but the only one to sprout. Started her mid Jan after Ohio made it legal in December. I...
  5. oHIGHo™

    Week 4 flower problems

    I'm a newbie myself but honestly to me it looks like UNDER watering. I used to do every other day myself but my girl got real thirsty once she started flowering. About a half gallon per day now for one plant...half of that top fed and half of that bottom fed....assuming you have your RH about...
  6. oHIGHo™

    Calculating flowering time

    Dumb question but here goes..... Ok I know it's something like 12 to 14 weeks of flower time before harvest, depending on the strain, but when you say 12 to 14 weeks, do you mean from the day the plant was flipped or from the day the the first flowering action was observed? For example: 5 weeks...
  7. oHIGHo™

    Is this a hermi !!!!???

    I am glad you posted this question, I just noticed mine looking exactly the same and I came here and searched for hermi pics. Good news all around!
  8. oHIGHo™

    Soft or hard water

    Ok, I am not an expert on this and this is in fact NOT a hill I want to die on so please go easy...... :D if you are correct, why is information like this out there?
  9. oHIGHo™

    Soft or hard water

    I've always been told, and I believe, soft water produced via a water softener machine will eventually kill the plant. I turn mine off in the spring and summer, it has a bypass lever in the back. I've never actually killed a plant with soft water but I had the same question as you many years...
  10. oHIGHo™

    Hello from Ohio.

    There are none so far. They just announced last week the beginning of the process to hand out 50 licenses. Best estimates I have seen say we won't have any recreational dispensaries until late summer or fall. There was a plan to open up the medical dispensaries to recreational clients but it...
  11. oHIGHo™

    Hello from Ohio.

    New Ohio guy here, this is my first post on the forum. I'm southwest Ohio right on the border, 20 miles north of Richmond Indiana but on the Ohio side. I've lived in Fairborn and Dayton in my life but now I live out here in the country in between corn fields. I'm on my first lowly...