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  1. Stephenj37826

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Hmmmmm DWC bitches lol. Nothing like DWC with the right equipment. Chiller , PH autodoser, and RO. Growth in veg/stretch is next level. Plants are generally amazingly healthy. I like to PH to one side of scale and let it drift to the other. Autodoser is just a safety net.
  2. Stephenj37826

    Hlg quantum board packaging question

    HLG Canada is a different company and you will need to contact them with questions.
  3. Stephenj37826

    Hlg quantum board packaging question

    We put HLG as the shipper. Plain brown box......
  4. Stephenj37826

    2 qb 96 would do well on either a 240 or 320 driver.

    2 qb 96 would do well on either a 240 or 320 driver.
  5. Stephenj37826

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    This will be my last response to you. Business is about results and apparently our success is mostly due to just that ..... Results...... Do you honestly think we became one of Samsung's biggest customers because our lights don't work. I'm going to enjoy the show as should you. Until the...
  6. Stephenj37826

    Agromax RAW 550

    We really need to update our par charts lol. The new Rspec is a lot better. Those par charts were with the first lm301bs we used. Flux is up almost 2 lumens at 65ma since we started which indicates a 3+% jump. Another bin will be out by July by my figures. They are all right at the top edge of...
  7. Stephenj37826

    Agromax RAW 550

    I didn't admit it was over priced. Do some research on how retail works and get back with me.....
  8. Stephenj37826

    Agromax RAW 550

    I guess I could threaten Samsung with N.Korea or something and make them give me better pricing..... Then again. I could farm it all out to China like every other company and screw this place huh. I can assure you we are far from dieing. Just not a fan of unethical business practices. Besides...
  9. Stephenj37826

    Agromax RAW 550

    Easy to do when you just RIP off someone else's work. It's called intellectual property. Google it sometime. 50% of the iPhones cost of production is in R&D. Do you think any product made didn't cost to develop?
  10. Stephenj37826

    Agromax RAW 550

    The whole hlg-550 is our product. Where do you think QBs came from? Geez do a little research before posting. Every single aspect of the HLG-550 is our design........ HTG/Agromax used to carry our products. We terminated that relationship when we learned they where coping our product. We offered...
  11. Stephenj37826

    LED yield results from the rui community, Refuge from HGL threads

    Seoul might have just the thing for that. These new filament LEDs are hitting killer numbers.... Bulbs don't do them justice.
  12. Stephenj37826

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    That sounds good. We can help with that if need be.
  13. Stephenj37826

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    How will these be isolated? Reflective material surrounding each lights prescribed footprint?
  14. Stephenj37826

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    We will hook you up really. The parts to build the fixtures will be here around the 15th.
  15. Stephenj37826

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Yes we will be making a 2 ft strip soon.
  16. Stephenj37826

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    The light is scheduled for release in July..... just finishing up ETL testing. Components are in and ready to roll. Seemed like a good time to send to testers anyways so by the time this is done it will be on the market. Hybridway doesn't have any of our current models like the rspec v2 which I...
  17. Stephenj37826

    Lumileds 5050 and Luminus 634 and 660 nm

    Lumileds 5050 and Luminus 634 and 660 nm
  18. Stephenj37826

    The LED "Arms race".....

    I'll change that to man made climate change :)
  19. Stephenj37826

    Horticulture Lighting Group

    All orders will ship Monday so no worries.
  20. Stephenj37826

    Horticulture Lighting Group

    We have had a huge influx in orders. Your order will ship and it was in the email you received that shipping is 3-5 business days. I also thinks it's on the site as well. Sorry for any confusion but Samsung was in for a visit as well so @robincnn has been out of town for a few days.