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  1. AngerbizcuTT

    I cannot determine if this is a herm or what advice needed asap

    I cant tell if this is just new growth or male or herm ??? Had all the signs of a female but was stressed early on....what is it?? Can yall call it ??
  2. AngerbizcuTT

    I cannot determine if this is a herm or what advice needed asap

    Just saw this 8 of flowering and I just scrogged them when I noticed this ?????
  3. AngerbizcuTT

    Leaf deformarion and brown spots forming on 1 plant Im stumped, please help

    The slight yellowing in older growth an some new these pics are 8 days jnto flower
  4. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Lol ok Lmao .. ok u got me there damn i give, dont dust off ur cock plz.
  5. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    You all can reread the thread but thats what I did. We have been engaged in small talk on and off for almost 3 hrs? Considering that talking is what is generally done in a chat, thats what I politely did. Everything seemed cordial and friendly until someone threatened me for conversating with...
  6. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Wtf??? I tried to be polite and friendly all morning and still this. Be honest guys am I in the wrong here or is it because im actually curious, I think he has a bone with me ..idk why but he does
  7. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I dont get it vause lots of other people talked about grow stuff as well ? Whats the criteria you are using ?
  8. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I diddnt ask for help. We have been chillin all morning and it came up in passing during our morning conversation and would have passed by just like all the other topics we spoke of this morning but you jumped on me?
  9. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    We all been talking about all sorts of things a Really ? We all been talking about all kinds of things this morning including weed,dispensaries and getting high how is my topic any diffrent from yours ? Everything you said could be found on the same threads you just threatened banished me too...
  10. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Yea Nah I appreciate the info. Im in uncharted water with these stunts, they should by all rights be dead. They are finicky but it has forced me to learn alot more abouf them and they are doing very good. Ive read a few things that say if they dont herm, highly stressed plants can produce some...
  11. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Oh sorry
  12. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    The teal rocks are just pebbles that I can water thru, they help stop fungus gnats breeding. Its good soil below lol but ty for the feedback ill do those things for sure
  13. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Also what do you think about the red thinking genetics but I want to be sure ?
  14. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Ok so more phosphorus lower nitrogen and more light. I just added a phospherus heavy top dressing but idk how to lower nitrogen in my soil without transplanting. I will be getting a much better light in about a week or 2 so i must make due. Thanks for the advice dont judge me but whaf do...
  15. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Yup I have cactus and venus flytrapps
  16. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I want to carve out shelves in my largest cactus and put other plants and yhings in
  17. AngerbizcuTT

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Wtf happened to this poor cactus??...I have many cactus growing in my house I love yhem ...i also have a venus fly trap ill be clonjng tf outta him and ill have tons of carniverous plants all over the house