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  1. BiG PuFFer

    3d printer and test subject for aroe ponics.

    I use a 3d printer every day to make wax patterns to be used in the dental industry.
  2. BiG PuFFer

    pennsylvania medical marijuana

    Corbett is the govenor, he doesnt make laws. sb528 sb770 are out there now. Let your local officails know that you want weed legal... We're already getting our paperwork in to start a Co-op.
  3. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    You guys are right. The economy is doing great.
  4. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    Does any one think money in politics is a good thing? Or that government should bail out banks that knowing write up sub-prime mortgages
  5. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    You know what I love more then goose eggs? (which when I think is a big O "zero" a goose egg) Eagles eggs, I'm going to kill the goose and find me an eagle cause they kick ass.
  6. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    Nobody is saying stop trying to earn and just get handouts from the rich.
  7. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    I <3 pot btw. It makes thinking fun
  8. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    Shouldn't it be mandatory to know the rules? I was never taught these rules in school. It might be rigged but it is broken.
  9. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    I can see how you would think that, but that's not what I'm saying. I know a lot of people who are smart and worked there whole life, but I don't know any billionaires. There not even in the top 60%. That doesn't mean they shouldn't try to make a better life for themselfs
  10. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    Yes, it would be better. The corporations buy the government that is supposedly for the people by the people. Every two years we vote for the lesser of two evils. I would say a lot of the country, especially young people don't even question why they just bitch about it.
  11. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    But you can't, not perticipate in this society with out being in total poverty. You can still love and be happy though.
  12. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    I dont need to be nice. I'm rich remember.
  13. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    I guess that just the world... not fair
  14. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    I see you missed the point.
  15. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    The most recent census says 46% of the US people are in poverty. Meanwhile major US companies are raking in record profits.
  16. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    At least we can agree pot is good, right? These are probably the same people that want to grow 10 lbs a month and not sell any of it.
  17. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    Who can afford collage, or business loans. Maybe I could if I didn't have to give a quarter of the money I make to uncle Sam off the top. I'm not talking about getting the new iPhone I'm talking putting food on the table. Good food not poison like McD's
  18. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    It's 1% out all the people in this country holding on to 40% of all the money. They can have money. Shit loads of money. But they should also have to put the back into the system. HOW MUCH MONEY IS ENOUGH WHEN JUST ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE IS STRUGGLING?
  19. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    More of what?
  20. BiG PuFFer

    American Dream!?

    McDonald's, Walmart...ect. they can afford to pay people better.