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  1. spilly1

    Home-made Beats

    who's makin' em? link up homies!
  2. spilly1

    Favorite Music To Blaze Too?

    The Cinematic Orchestra Bonobo Pinback the Herbalizer DJ Krush the list could go on and on and on and on
  3. spilly1

    BC outdoor grow still growing

    shout out from over the straight on the sunshine coast. late season this year it seems, waited for what seems like an eternity for my tall girls to start blooming!
  4. spilly1

    Southern Ontario - Have your plants started to flower yet?

    and by the way, this site is truly amazing. I've learned heaps from you guys
  5. spilly1

    Southern Ontario - Have your plants started to flower yet?

    first time grower here in BC, 8 foot purple kush ladies started flowering last week, finally! good timez ahead
  6. spilly1

    Whats the best fertilizer Canada can get ahold of ?? DNF, botanicare or what!?

    hey fellow Canuck. This is my first grow this season, an expert friend recommended Plant-Prod 15-30-15 I found it at the local garden shop. There has to be one in your area somewhere
  7. spilly1

    I Suspect Someone has been back To My Plants...WHAT TO DO?!!

    piano wire, and 5 ft holes with sharpened sticks sticking up from the bottom!
  8. spilly1

    Fucking Hunters

    damn right we!
  9. spilly1

    Clones not flowering yet.. Anybody else in Ontario having this problem?

    patiently waiting for Oct. here in BC too !
  10. spilly1

    Visitor in my greenhouse , good omen?

    jah it's a gooder. took a while to get a well composed shot
  11. spilly1

    Visitor in my greenhouse , good omen?

    and after a long summer my 8 footers are finally going into pre-flower. this is a good day
  12. spilly1

    Visitor in my greenhouse , good omen?

    at any rate, 5 days later and he's still chillin and he's seems to be hanging out on the only one of my girls that I haven't seen a single pest on. guardian of the garden! I tried catching him for a lick but he's quite wily. hehe
  13. spilly1

    Visitor in my greenhouse , good omen?

    he's more than welcome to eat as many bugs as he can.
  14. spilly1

    Visitor in my greenhouse , good omen?

    * Canadian Kush Tree Frog ;)
  15. spilly1

    Visitor in my greenhouse , good omen?

    He was stoked.