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  1. DankDave420

    Supplement for Viparspectra 400 in 32x32 tent?

    Haven't heard of Par Watts yet. No easy answers anymore are there? Besides buy a more expensive light. Which seems to be about half the answers on these forums. Lol. I will look into building a light for my next go.
  2. DankDave420

    Supplement for Viparspectra 400 in 32x32 tent?

    Lol. Thanks guys. So I guess I don't have enough light so I will look into getting another Viparspectra. I have smoked buds from a Viparspectra 300 in a 2x2 and I gotta say isn't no way I am ever paying a grand for an LED for a hardly noticable improvement in bud quality and yield over a $130...
  3. DankDave420

    DankDave420's Mixed Strain Soil Grow from seed.

    Ok my Viparspectra 450 is giving me about 28 watts per square foot. I am starting to doubt that this is sufficient for 32x32". But my research is inconsistent with sources saying anywhere from 25-50 watts per square foot is optimum. Any advice? Should I pick up another fixture? Maybe a...
  4. DankDave420

    Supplement for Viparspectra 400 in 32x32 tent?

    I currently have the Viparspectra 450 (200 actual watts). My tent is 32x32x63. That puts me at about 28 watts per square foot. Some sources say that is sufficient while some say I need closer to 50w/sq. ft. of LED to finish flower optimally. So I need about 150 more actual watts to be in...
  5. DankDave420

    Trueliving Outdoors All Purpose Potting Soil will not grow cannabis!

    Just wanted to let everyone know that Trueliving Outdoors All Purpose Potting Soil will not grow cannabis! So if you are using this and not getting growth this is almost certainly why. Everyone I have found that tried this soil has the same results with instant improvement when transplanting...
  6. DankDave420

    DankDave420's Mixed Strain Soil Grow from seed.

    Trueliving Outdoors All Purpose Potting Soil will not grow cannabis! I was wondering why my plants were so slow. Transplanted out of that crap yesterday and my babies are already having a growth spurt. Everyone I've found that has grown in this soil had the same problem as me, and instant...
  7. DankDave420

    DankDave420's Mixed Strain Soil Grow from seed.

    Thanks man. Yes the light seems good quality to me. I just hope it is enough to get me through flower in my tent. I can always supplement I guess. I had been following the manufactures recommendations for height but others were saying it is a bit too conservative. I am lowering it slowly and...
  8. DankDave420

    Viparspectra Reflector 450 distances?

    Thanks man. I will check out some journals today.
  9. DankDave420

    Viparspectra Reflector 450 distances?

    This is what my seedlings look like today.
  10. DankDave420

    DankDave420's Mixed Strain Soil Grow from seed.

    Soil grow. FF Happy Frog with pearlite. Fox Farms Trio. Blackstrap molasses as cal-mag replacement and carbs. Viparspectra Reflector 450. 32x32x63 grow tent. Ventilated. Solo cups to 6" pot to 3 gallon smart pot. Temps 70-82 Humidity 40-65. Struggle with low humidity when furnace runs. PH...
  11. DankDave420

    Viparspectra Reflector 450 distances?

    What's up guys. This is my first post here. I was just wondering if anyone has had some successful grows with this light. What distances did you find optimum, and with both switches or one? Preferably only people that have used this specific light. My seedlings are on day 10 since sprout and are...