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  1. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    I'm not even replying. No need. Just quoting you so that you can't change it after you find out what you just said after doing some research on what "whatever you already run" is...
  2. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    If you walk to the store you are most likely paying sales tax. Same damn thing. Stick with the facts? Now I know I'm talking to someone with the mentality of a 12 year old. Have fun with the thread. And alpha: you can buy it in a powder just like the rest of your nutes. I don't run hydro, so...
  3. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    What are you, 12? You are like the kid at recess "Nuh uh! You said it was $70! It's really $59.85 plus shipping! Nyanyah!"
  4. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    Run 1/2 and 1/2... would be awesome to see the grow unfold :) Just be sure to supplement the extra 4% potassium in the Terpinator in your control crop to keep the nutrient levels the same ;-) Again, no one is saying that Terpinator doesn't work. All I am saying is that you are spending...
  5. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    Because people were talking about secret ingredients and acting like it was pure gold in a bottle. I never said it was unsafe. I said some things that were in it that I am sure people don't realize are in their nutes they use. If you think those numbers are crazy... look up a Bloom nute and not...
  6. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    Botanicare PBP, CalMag, and Molasses in Happy Frog are just about as far from the "synthetic salt bubble" as you can get without making your own teas.
  7. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    Not when you are talking about a liquid solution that already has the nutrient isolated.
  8. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    When the plant absorbs it, Calcium is calcium. What are we getting out of it? Protein. The source is irrelevant. You are comparing an additive to Bloom and CalMag? Do you use only Terpinator in your grow? I literally listed Bloom, CalMag, and Molasses. We are discussing effectiveness, not...
  9. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    There are only so many nutrients a plant uses. You can put a quartz pebble in your solution and call it a proprietary blend. When it's all said and done, the plant only uses what the plant uses. And there is no such thing as "Dialed-In" when it comes to out-of-the-bottle nutrients. All strains...
  10. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    That is the entire point. If the ingredients aren't innovative... And you can get them in a cheaper form elsewhere... Why are you paying the mark-up for the brand name and logo on the bottle? And as for ingredients... let's clear something up here. Soluble Potash (KCl / K2O) is Soluble...
  11. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    Food recipes and a chemical that boosts plant production independent of other factors are two waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay different things. That's like saying Pfizer isn't going to patent the new "recipe" for their next batch of morphine tabs...
  12. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    No terp in any pic... just molasses (potassium *gasp!*) I can't wait to try Terpinator... I bet I could grow a resin gland right out of the soil!! Again. I never said that Terpinator won't help... but so will any other Potassium booster if you haven't been feeding them enough...
  13. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    No one is saying it won't work. It's Potassium, that's what it does. But there is no reason to buy it instead of a much cheaper alternative just because it comes in a fancy black bottle and is supposed to be the best thing since water irrigation. That's all.
  14. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    It's always a good sign when the bottle and label cost more to produce than the nutrients. Gotta love that marketing/advertising...
  15. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    Super Secret Monkey Piss... what else would it be?
  16. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    I'm getting REALLY fucking tired of people's Know-It-All Bullshit on this forum, and I've been here less than a month. You want to know what's in your precious Terpinator? Soluble Potash. Oh and let's not forget the Arsenic, Selenium, Lead, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I've tried to...
  17. TheYokel

    how to get that dank/loud smell?

    I was going to let this thread keep going, but people are actually thinking of buying stuff now, so I'll step in. If your strain doesn't naturally produce a lot of resin, it doesn't matter what supplement you use or how much it costs... you aren't getting buds that look like a High Times cover...
  18. TheYokel

    Do I need to flush??

    I cut-back... I don't flush. The last watering I give my plant is pure water, but I'm not about to run 5 gallons of water through one plant... that's just fucking stupid.
  19. TheYokel

    Tonight's Harvest...

    I still have another day or two before the next lady is ready to come down, but my baby girls are just looking oh-so-tasty. I think I might have to add a cheap digital camera to the x-mas list along with an HID for the tent. :)
  20. TheYokel

    CFL lights turning stems red/purple

    Hmm. 65F will cause 'em to go purple depending on the strain. I just don't know how it can be the CFLs if you have tried different brands. I can't tell, is the little gal in a Solo cup? Are they getting transplanted when they are going in to the flower room? Different soil maybe? Maybe they are...