I usually ask for breeders packs and they come as asked, even the wooden boxes, holding the small tubes..:hump: I put in another order today...I'm telling on myself just in case there's a Dr. inda house...:wall::wall::weed:
Placed an order with Attitude 11/30/16- Received it 12/10/16 on the East Coast..Thru Ireland-W. New York- then home..Bodhi received...:weed::hump:....Oh yes, Visa Credit Card...:hug: AAAnd the discount code is 420... Happy Addiction Time....:wall:
Yah, new job, flunked pee test.Guy said it was the highest he'd seen.....60 days later their trying to hire my ass back...Yes I smoke,buttt I gotta good work ethic...:hump:.....Hell no I didn't go back........:finger: Da Foopers....
Wow..Good job..I hope your hand doesn't cramp too much when it comes to harvest time..:weed::hump: I forgot to say, I'll help with harvest if yo want...:clap::weed::peace:
Yes,still a rookie and loving every lesson I get....Thanks guys for putting up with us rookies.I'll never have enough time for what I would love to do...:peace::hump:
I'm bbaaaaaccck. They don't do c.c.!!! They sho have lotta Bohdi beans I want..:wall::wall: That's why I go with Attitude. Visa c.c. 7-10 days... don't need tracking number, just patience..Rat to the mail box...:hump::blsmoke: Eventually I hope everybody gets the c.c. system running so I can...
Thank you. My hand is still shaking,:wall: so I'ma go to Great Lakes Genetics to see what's up..:clap:Thanks again:peace: Yes! I'ma addict dammit:wall::hump: Be right back............glg....o.k.
I tried to go with GreenLine, butt couldn't get in on the deal or screwing, can't tell which at:wall: this point. I hope everybody gets their orders...:clap::peace:
All the info for your successful scrog is within the scrog threads, in one of these sub-threads. Gotsta do a search..Get ready to enjoy.The 1st one's for practice.:hump::bigjoint: