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  1. dudemandigo

    Blacking Out

    this has happened to me multiple times except i never lost consciousness or fell over. It happened while driving and smoken, i would take a huge hit and as i breath it out i start to loose vision, and black out. Obviosly i was scared shitless and started slowing down..good thing i was on the...
  2. dudemandigo

    Want the most frosty, sweet sugary NUgz!>?

    un-sulfered molasses did great things for my plants 2 tbs/gal water every other feeding
  3. dudemandigo

    early harvesting techniques for northeast

    "Instead, they noted that creating wide planting holes with loosened soil provides a greater benefit than amendments, particularly in compacted soils. Henderson-Cole and Hensley (1992) also studied F. pennsylvanica and found that soil amendments had little effect on plant growth and did...
  4. dudemandigo

    I met the trailer park boys

    thats awsome i love trailer park boys...the only famous people i met were Lamb of God, and Pete Metzalar(spelling?) from the lions, my cusen married his son, so i went to his lake house in S.carolina and saw his superbowl rings...very cool looken i might add. He hides them in his master bathroom...
  5. dudemandigo

    OUTDOOR/INDOOR multiple strains, NY Gorilla grow

    UPDATE: decided to change things up a bit due to personal reasons. Im going to keep it small this year, and cancel the cloning part of this OP. I will start 9 fem seeds indoors, then place them outside in 3x3x3 holes. im also thinking about ordering some Iranian autos to get that early...
  6. dudemandigo

    a Saturday morning disaster.. well almost.

    sounds like one of my dumbass stunts...ive been electrocuted by my old 1000w ballast like 15 times cuz i just wasnt thinken..
  7. dudemandigo

    Why do deer eat it?

    I think you guys may be thinking about this a little differently then i do... Last year i had 2 different outdoor sites, one in the mountains, and one by a lake somewhere. The mountain site was completely eaten after i transplanted in the spring because of the damn deer, they ate it quick to...
  8. dudemandigo

    Is this an Auto Flowering plant? Lots of pics. +REP for advice

    was it auto?? you would know by now!
  9. dudemandigo

    Incurable droopyness

    what was ur average temps at night/day?
  10. dudemandigo

    Is this Reveg??? *pix*

    i dont think a light leak would cause re-veg, that would cause a hermi to form. That does not look like a re-veg either. When i harvested mine, and went back to 18 hrs light, every small bud that size grew branches out of it with little single leaflets. What i see in your pics is normal leaves...
  11. dudemandigo

    early harvesting techniques for northeast

    thanks for all the replies guys.. Im going to just put the seedlings out in mid may, and focus on bringing compost teas up to the sites. Way to much work would be involved by having to cover them every night to produce an early harvest. My site is a half hour hike up hill so it just wouldnt...
  12. dudemandigo

    Attitude dosnt accept Visa prepaid cards? You got to call it in. It happend to me.

    ive been having trouble finding international visa prepaid cards, and i spoke with them (visa) and they said theres no more international visa or master card
  13. dudemandigo

    Lake as water source?

    this may be obvious, but dont get caught pumping water from a lake...if its large enough somebody might see you. I remember seeing that on the news some mexicans got caught that way.
  14. dudemandigo

    Marijuana detection technology

    this is why u keep ur op small and safe and tell no one. the police have had this tech. for awhile..
  15. dudemandigo

    Hello from New York

    i go all around up more north then lake george, as well as couple hours south. Best buds are in toga, but cheap mids are in schenect
  16. dudemandigo

    Hello from New York

    watap man upstate here...tryen to find a good partner too, i cant trust most of the people around here......
  17. dudemandigo

    early harvesting techniques for northeast

    ur talking about physically moving the plants to a dark location for their dark period? i would not be able to do that unless i build a greenhouse. maybe if i cover them with black tarp every night, but that sounds nuts..
  18. dudemandigo

    early harvesting techniques for northeast

    hello everyone, I have this question in another forum, but i thought it was better placed in advanced cultivation. I would like everyone to share with me their experiences with early harvests, particularly in the northeast. my idea is that if i induce flowering indoors before i set the...