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  1. workinit

    GHS GWS problems.....Any help appreciated

    Thanks for both the replies. The mix is not subcools but is similar. I do use dolimite lime in my mix and was cooked 8 weeks before they were planted.. I really have it in my head it's a cal/mag problem as I would think if it were nute burn I would have seen symptoms earlier, am I wrong on...
  2. workinit

    GHS GWS problems.....Any help appreciated

    They are in amended promix and are on day 30 of 12/12. They started showing probs about a week ago. They had nothing but ph/d water until 2 days ago. From all that i have read i should not flush an organic soil (subcool) am I misinformed?
  3. workinit

    GHS GWS problems.....Any help appreciated

    Hi All, I have some GHS Great White Shark going and am having some burning on the edges. I am 99% sure this is not nute burn. They are in amended promix. I just gave them a mild feeding of roots organics Budda Bloom, Budda Grow HP2 and Trinity. 5ml of each. The problems were apparent...
  4. workinit

    Roots Organics Soil and nutrient lockout

    I used to have this problem. I tried everything and nothing worked. I always ph'd water and nutes by the book. Then I started to bubble my water as I though maybe the chlorine was causing me problems. I noticed that after ph'ing the water/solution it would slowly rise over the next 24 to 36...
  5. workinit

    Feminized Lemon Skunk Closet Grow - Green House Seeds

    Very nice grow. I'm currently running a greenhouse ls as well. Mine looks almost exactly like yours. I'm only in day 20 of 12/12 so consider me subscribed.
  6. workinit

    Greenhouse Color Coded Fem Grow. GW Shark, Train Wreck, Lemon Skunk, Cheese W. Rhino

    Hello all, Just planted (I have had good success germinating directly in soil) all ten this evening. Got two two female seeds of each strain, pretty cool actually. This is my first experience with fems and am really looking forward to trying them. They are in 6 inch(I think) square pots...
  7. workinit

    Plant problems!

    shameless bump
  8. workinit

    Plant problems!

    No camera at this point. I tried to give as much info as possible. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. workinit

    Plant problems!

    I am currently growing Mandala Hashberry and Nirvana PPP. My Hashberry mom has a purple streaked main stalk and the middle leaf stems are turning dark purple/Red. The PPP does not show these symptoms. Plant is from clone and about 4 weeks veg. Clones taken all exhibit same symtoms after a...
  10. workinit

    the c99 story

    I actually grew out the original C99 in 2001. It was an unbelievable strain. I nearly killed it on several occasions and it ALWAYS bounced back and never hermied on me. As for the smell OMG. It smelled incredible. Smelled of pungent fruit. It was truly intoxicating. Yeilds were respectable...
  11. workinit

    Fox Farms Soil Mix

    From the research I have done FFOF has a PH of right around 6.5. I water with a mixture PH'd to 6.4. Up to this point I have not needed to measure runoff as I haven't had a PH problem. If it's not broke don't fix it. Keep in mind that runoff will leach nutes and such from your soil mix. If...
  12. workinit

    Fox Farms Soil Mix

    I stick my finger in the mix down to about 2 inches. When the soil is completely dry I water. If it is only slightly moist I wait. I could be wrong here but I think you should water when your plants need it, not on a schedule as water uptake is not constant. If you are growing in a low...
  13. workinit

    Fox Farms Soil Mix

    If you adjust your PH below 6.0 your going to have big problems. I have found that 6.3 - 6.6 is a safe range and have zero problems.
  14. workinit

    what soil to use

    I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest with superb results. I do not cut it with perlite as it already had perlite in the mix. I have germinated "sensitive" strains directly into the soil and had nothing but great results. Just make sure you use PH adjusted water and DON'T overwater.
  15. workinit

    Fox Farms Soil Mix

    I have been growing only a short time so take my two cents with a grain of salt. That being said in my experience FFOF is a terrific growing medium. I have grown DP Blueberry clones rooted in peat directly into FFOF with nothing but PH adjusted water with excellent results. I have since...
  16. workinit

    Calling all Mandala Growers

    C'mon nobody out there grown Mandala
  17. workinit

    Calling all Mandala Growers

    Thanks for the info. I have also hear mixed results regarding potency of Hashberry. After doing some research I was willing to trade off potency for yeild as Hashberry does have a rep for being a very large yeilder under the right conditions.
  18. workinit

    Calling all Mandala Growers

    Hello all, I am just starting my second grow wich will consist of Mandala Hashberry and Nirvan PPP freebees from Gypsy Nirvana. . My first grow was DP Blueberry, HUGE mistake. Out of ten beans I got 1 female that turned out to be a nanner factory. Nuff said. Anywho, I have germinated all...
  19. workinit

    PH in soil

    Hello, could someone please explain how PH works in soil, ie, how it changes based upon PH of water and nutes. How PH changes as water is absorbed, etc. Thanks
  20. workinit

    PH Question

    The chart is awesome! Thanks.