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  1. wristychronicles

    Have a problem with spots on my leaves.

    My thoughts are nutrient burn, is it possible you had water evaporate and cause a spike in ppm? I would just do a res change for a new clean batch
  2. wristychronicles

    Dwc question ?

    Take a cutting and root it in the hydroponic system. Then grow both plants side by side.
  3. wristychronicles

    Finally, Once again...It's ICE WAX TIME!!!

    Two ounces pulls 5-6g if the trim is good enough. I usually run qps and roughly get 11g give or take. Make sure to pick up a 25 micron screen to help press the moisture out.
  4. wristychronicles

    Air pots

    Fabic pots are top notch no doubt!
  5. wristychronicles

    Finally, Once again...It's ICE WAX TIME!!!

    You pulled .73 on a two oz ice extraction with fire trim? Something went wrong man. What micron bag did that come out of?
  6. wristychronicles

    Scrog question

    chicken wire is awful to work with especially outdoors the plants get way to big come time to harvest . you have to cut back a lot of a chicken wire it's better to you something with larger diameter holes like horse fence . Or custom made.
  7. wristychronicles

    coconut fibers

    We know you are not doing a hydro grow, however technically you are... its called hand water drain to waste. By using Coco, which as mentioned earlier is in fact a hydroponic medium, (not soil) you have to hand water using the proper balance of food and macro/micro nutrients. The coco on its own...
  8. wristychronicles

    BBbubblegum's First Re-veg

    yes, goofy single blade leaves are to be expected.
  9. wristychronicles

    Nitrogen and my plants

    Superthrive is not plant food, if you build a rich organic soil ( composted casting, guanos, meals)you can get away without too much food, however it is sounding like you want to go super cheap. I would suggest going to your local nursery telling them you are growing organic tomatoes and want an...
  10. wristychronicles

    My 1st Grow - Constructive Criticism Accepted

    I read this journal from page one, and have been questioning your ph from the start I think it may in fact be a little too high (unless you are growing in acidic medium). However, that being said you have nice green growth( which implies a ph not too far off..), I've seen very seasoned growers...
  11. wristychronicles

    Soil or hydro???

    From my own perspective very healthy plants can be accomplished in both soil grows and hydro grows. However, if we want to talk plants indoors, it is hard to beat the growth rates of a well dialed in hydroponic system (dtw,dwc,ebb+flow...). If you are growing outside under the sun, that's a...
  12. wristychronicles

    Re-Usable Shopping Bags Instead of Smart Pots

    tried them right next to name brand bags, I too saw an unfortunate waste of time. The materials are different and I assume the reusable shopping bag failed to offer a nice network for small root tips with in the bag as well as the name brand fabric bags did. I pulled them out, the root systems...
  13. wristychronicles

    Help help help help

    For what it's worth. I grew a cut of blueberry back in the day, gave it away to all my friends and they had a try at growing it as well. Out of a good handful of friends just ONE, might I add the only one who did not have a light timer had a problem with a female throwing male flowers. I...
  14. wristychronicles

    Plant with non-serrated leaves

    I agree with the previous comment NEVER trash something you find to be unique, geeze. If its growing live and let live. Keep us posted on the neat bean!
  15. wristychronicles

    So you noobs are hooked on cannabis specific Bloom foods (aka snakeoil)..... eh?

    I think the biggest problem new growers have is they FORGET cannabis is in fact a plant, and there are laws of the natural universe to go with that. For example, if the plants are looking unhealthy try reading a book about plants. Don't run to cannabis forums expecting a miracle to occur and...
  16. wristychronicles

    So you noobs are hooked on cannabis specific Bloom foods (aka snakeoil)..... eh?

    GREAT LINK shes awesome, every time I have an issue big enough to look it up, she has a controlled study leading me to the results I wanted. Plus what a cool lady to talk to!
  17. wristychronicles

    yikes! im in western wash,

    I pulled already from near tacoma. Had all sorts of shit coming my way, weather, mold, elk...
  18. wristychronicles

    Harvest question (yes, another one of those threads) :(

    mold does in fact spread... Have you been removing the effected areas when you notice them?
  19. wristychronicles


    Hey man, just try to be positive about the whole situation. It could be worse, your freedom and safety is more important than your ladies in the long run. Although I do feel your pain, keep your chin up and remember what happened wrong for next time.
  20. wristychronicles

    help with looks like little white nats.

    Sticky fly traps, they make some for outdoor use. You can hang a couple around and on the branches.