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  1. D

    Seedling in 15l pot.

    Looks fine, let it be.
  2. D

    When to move cannabis Outside?

    You need to harden them off first and by that I mean, on day one, put them out for about 1/2 hour... on day two, 1 hour.. next day 2 day 3 after that you should be good to keep them there a reason you kept them inside all this time? just wondering, because I would have started...
  3. D

    any thoughts on yield?

  4. D

    looking for a potent strain done by mid october

    I'm gonna keep a close eye on this thread as I would like to know about strains that do well in moist conditions.
  5. D

    Is there a way I can use UVB lights outdoors?

    The sun will supply all you need, no need to supplement...the only dumb question is the one not asked.
  6. D

    any thoughts on yield?

    Dude! since you seem to know so much and are so much more experienced than those of us lowly growers who have a few grows under our belts, just why did you post and ask our opinion? now kind Sir...ooops! my bad, you are neither kind or a Sir, just some punk kid who likes the word Retard, which I...
  7. D

    doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....

    You guy's ROCK!!!!!!! I want to post bad... it hurts! not that I do a big grow...just enough for my babe and me...and to give a lot to my friends (grin, wink) I want to go to this BBQ so bad that it hurts...not in the cards this year and that makes me sad...but after that? who...
  8. D

    any thoughts on yield?

    you should get about two and if lucky, three oz per...could be more or could be less...kinda late to transplant... and being in the ground would be better, please let us know at harvest what you get...OK?
  9. D

    stealth 32 gallon grow?

    If your trying to hide the plants in the trash wont get enough light, better to camouflage them so they don't stand out, using plants that will stay green until harvest...your biggest problem will be the smell as the buds ripen...they stink so good you know.
  10. D

    What mushroom is growing next to my plant?

    Do not try them! your picture was not good enough to truly ID them, it's not worth taking a could get either very sick...or even die! need to worry about them hurting your plants because they are not harmful to them, just pick them out and discard if you don't like them there.
  11. D

    Outdoor preflowers or just new growth?

    yep! there preflowers, looks like you got yourself a little lady there.
  12. D

    doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....

    Why, yes, yes it would.
  13. D

    Is my plant a ruderalis?

    Also, where did you get your seed?
  14. D

    Is my plant a ruderalis?

    What makes you think it may be a ruderalis??? please tell us more about your grow...indoors? outdoors?if indoors, what type of lights? pot size? soil? are you using a timer? if so what is your day length? what nutes, if any? What we need is some info on just how you are growing this...then we...
  15. D

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Ditch those peat pellets, ASAP!!!!! the nylon netting will restrict the root growth! at the very least start in 16 oz party cups...I start mine in one gallon pots, so less trauma when young due to transplant shock. Like what has been said before, soak over night (24) hours but no more than (36)...
  16. D

    Undilluted urine for nitrogen in veg??

    Urin has all the trace minerals in it and as long as one is healthy and not taking heavy duty drugs...there is nothing wrong with using urin as long as you dilute it proper. Hell, I use Cow, Pig, Horse, Rabbit and bird poop in my garden and it grows wondrful, your actually feeding the microbes...
  17. D

    What's the average yield for an outdoor grow in Socal?

    Are these people being paid well? if not...then...why would they care about the harvest? 2 out of 5 seems like no care was taken, thus...not paid well! no care in planting may mean little return in investment, meaning that a plant taken good care of could reach up to 5 pounds , may only yield...
  18. D

    Will a heat wave ruin my grow!?! - First Timer...

    I see that the plant is just starting to bud, and yes, the plants look heat stressed...but they will survive... the stress may make them throw a few nanners...but the good part is that they will be feminized just do the best that you can to keep them as comfy as possible! good luck to you and...
  19. D

    Unknown bugs and disappointing guerrilla check up

    That's what I thought at first, but the description doesn't fit...but, boy can them buggers wreck some havoc.