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  1. J

    Salt Water Hash? Rosintech? The game is changing!

    ya I was going to tell you .. heat.. and pressing.. u don't get shit for a yield compared to bho or solvents.. but it does work .
  2. J

    BHO Manual Extraction

    shit even power 5x or whip it 5x is better then vector 14x lol but ya listen to twitch and graywolf/fadedawg I wish u were around my way.. I got a batch of sugar .. yummyyyyy as fuck.. tastes like concentrated flowers.. the way a bho should taste.. not trim run.. not full plant run.. we pull...
  3. J

    The Contributors Thread

    yup.. if u look at my posts like a year or two ago.. you will see me saying if it don't shatter it don't matter.. now.. I know better.. because ive had some horrible shatter.. and some horrible wax.. and some great shatter and great wax.. I just don't like how the consistencies get labeled...
  4. J

    The Contributors Thread

    hey twitch.. you ever run a super high terpene strain.. and get a almost honeycomb.. but its really greasy like brown sugar consistency with a greasy feel to it.. but stinks to high heaven and tastes amazing.. ? its from 10 day dried material.. right after the chop.. dried 10 days.. then...
  5. J

    possible to remove 99+% of THC, while keeping buds in tact?

    grow yourself some ruderalis. you wont get high but can smoke .. also.. I hope your not asking because you want to scam people by blowing buds.. then selling the buds while selling the extract from those buds also .
  6. J

    always taste like corn.. why?

    im a take a picture of this greasy bho i made...
  7. J

    always taste like corn.. why?

    i like fresh frozen . dried 10-14 days.. then pack tubes.. freeze.. and blow.. on heavy smelling strains.. i get a nice brown sugar consistency.. an orange on this sfv og x skunk va cut .taken at 80% cloudy 20% amber about can never be 100% sure exactly but that's about how close id say it was...
  8. J

    high quality wax...nothing to smoke it out of....ideas please

    heat the wax.. and spread it on the papers.. and roll a joint.
  9. J

    Smokeshop guy says butane is about to go way up

    that's because the gas mixes.. power 5 x has isobutane n butane and propane.. while puretane is 99.9998 % n butane.. and .0002 of iso butane.. or something along those lines .. n butane makes a darker extract.. isobutane is lighter.. propane is pretty similar to isobutane but a tiny bit...
  10. J

    Smokeshop guy says butane is about to go way up

    prices are going up because sellers know now what its being used to make.
  11. J

    Looking for closed loop system??

    how much did u spend all together to get that system up and running.. with everything needed to run it.. including recovery tank . recovery pump.. hoses.. all that shit.
  12. J

    More BHO questions

    also remember no stems. no fan leaves.. just sugar trim and buds.. if you want to yield anything worth bragging about % wise.
  13. J


    don't buy it.. and tell anyone who is buying it .. that its not purged properly. making it unsafe.. simple.... hes selling a poison. because hes too cheap.. if hes selling a lot of it . he should have the money to grab a decent purge kit.. even open blasting isn't clean.. mystery oil in butane...
  14. J

    Smokeshop guy says butane is about to go way up

    hes playing you bro.. prices wont go up because of this. if they do. people will go to big tanks.. prices are fine. go on ebay.. I was paying 200 bucks for 96 cans..
  15. J

    Too much Candy/Dabs

    lol. done it a few times.. usually don't yack unless alcohol is involved to be honest.
  16. J

    smoking induced panic attacks/anxiety

    lol tommy chong said it too.. if your getting anxiety from weed.. you have other stresses and issues going on that your worried about.. I get it sometimes here and there.. were I feel like I cant breathe.. and heart starts racing.. but if I just chill out.. and breathe.. ill calm right down...
  17. J

    Curing Addiction

    ibogaine.. MDMA. LSD.. Mescaline.. just a few drugs that if in the correct mindset.. will help anyone overcome an addiction.
  18. J

    The myth of amber trics!!

    also.. I have been doing this since 04 or 05.. an I still look at trichs.. why? because ive noticed.. that in the summer.. my plants amber up quicker. in the winter they take a lil longer.. and I don't look at trichs all the way threw.. just after the date I have selected to start looking.... if...
  19. J

    The myth of amber trics!!

    also.. skunk .. and AK both have sativa in the genetics.. lol.. a very strong KUSH ak x skunk ? lol . and depending on what kush we are talking about .. those have sativa in it TOO.. lol . u can say never.. but I ran a original haze x skunk 1 . until it was amber.. 19 weeks. was cloudy at...
  20. J

    The myth of amber trics!!

    patience is rewarded with growing.... take a plant to DEATH in the pot.. compare it to one chopped clear trichs.. and cloudy.. and amber.. then the dead int he pot let it go until it literally DIES in the pot.... and tell everyone the difference.. because until you have done this.. you cant say...