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  1. M

    Does this look ok?

    all of those q's should be answered above
  2. M

    Does this look ok?

    also transplanted to the smart pot yesterday as roots were shooting out of all my drainage holes in the solo cup it was in
  3. M

    Does this look ok?

    light in pic from camera flash
  4. M

    Does this look ok?

    here is a top down pic. im using a sun system 150w hps three feet above plant. exhale co2 bag beside plant. feeding with compost tea with added sea green, bio weed, tritons trawl, worm castings and hi brix mol. using tea every other feeding and water otherwise. planted in 100% bcuzz coco and in...
  5. M

    Does this look ok?

    Just wondering if you guys think this is looking ok the leaves are decent tly green but hanging low. If you need any other info about my setup or feeding just let me know. I do see Seconary and tertiary leaves emerging but just don't like the overall form
  6. M

    first grow newb problems Please help

    Thanks guys you have eased my mind. I have left them be and have seen at least an inch or two of growth since last night.
  7. M

    Rapid Rooters and seedlings

    the cotyledons contain the nutrients that the seedling needs to grow for a bit. wait until more true leaves form and the cotyledons are wilting away to go with any strong nutrients. plain water will be cheaper and will not hurt any growth for the first week or so. if you are using some organic...
  8. M

    is it possible

    your harvest of those seeds should be of better quality simply because swag is not cared for like i am assuming you wil care for them. you can maintain higher THC% with proper drying and curing so take care of them and you will not have swag at the end
  9. M

    first grow newb problems Please help

    germed seed in paper towel last Wednesday (4/13). Taproot emerged by friday morning. Planted in 100% b'cuzz coco substrate (in solo cup) and watered with bottled drinking water. no nutes added as of yet. box is 2x2x6 with can fan s 400 and can filter 2600 moving air. passive intake at bottom of...