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  1. Walter9999

    Two seedlings, growing side by side

    These plants are very durable. Take a knife or hand saw and split the rootball. Done
  2. Walter9999

    LED light choices?

    My thoughts on LED are Buy a little more than you can afford and be prepared for "some" heat issues. A respectable light will have sizeable heat sinks and numerous fans...definitely less expensive to run though.
  3. Walter9999

    Commercial Growing

    You should name the business " future convict enterprises " shaking my head
  4. Walter9999

    2ft 2bulb t5 for 2 mother plants

    I use LST for the volume in my small perpetual grow but that's what works for me...I use a HO 2ft 4 bulb for the babies...g/l
  5. Walter9999

    2ft 2bulb t5 for 2 mother plants

    All you're attempting to do is keep the mothers alive and in veg so the 2 bulb will work...the growth will just be slower with less lumens...g/l
  6. Walter9999

    Flowering Stage Questions

    What is your light schedule?
  7. Walter9999

    trimming bud worm affected!

    Do it right now and dispose of will continue to grow for a while...trim it all off
  8. Walter9999

    Would you harvest this now?

    Well done...chop, chop...I predict sticky fingers in your future
  9. Walter9999

    Vegetative state... is it time to put this baby for budding (PICS)

    Go for'll have to find some support for those main colas once it starts flowering...g/l
  10. Walter9999

    Why is my plant turning yella? pic

    The leaves look like they were resting on/in the soil...that will yellow them out...plant looks good though
  11. Walter9999


    get it about 5 times that size...take clones...then let er rip... i stagger my outdoor grow to when my indoor clones are the clones grow I graduate them outdoors
  12. Walter9999

    Now Democrats Call To Delay Obamacare.

    there is zero chance that you were misdiagnosed and its very clear you were never treated #lemon sucker
  13. Walter9999


    For flowering, yes...The lighting outdoors is around 11 hours and the temps are perfect here in Florida...I'll harvest until April..for veg..No
  14. Walter9999

    Wiring Inline Fans

    Blk/wht/green to blk/wht/green...pretty simple
  15. Walter9999

    Separating 2 Seedlings From Same Pot...

    Take a hand saw and cut between the prob
  16. Walter9999

    Storing nutrients???

    Si Señor, as long as its clean use it
  17. Walter9999

    "How to avoid being caught" BIG Picture (EXP)

    WOW...that's all I got
  18. Walter9999

    Messed up while tpping my plants.

    You topped your plants yesterday and tomorrow they're going into flower???WTH why bother topping
  19. Walter9999

    Thank You Barack Obama

    Look at you puttin all those words together in sentences and shit...good for you
  20. Walter9999

    Topping error?
