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  1. Ernst

    How To Get Ron Paul Nominated For Republican Canidate

    This thread is out of place in legalizing. Please move to Politics. Thanks
  2. Ernst

    Medical Marijuana: Feds Move to Forfeit Marin Pot Club's Property

    Medical Marijuana: Feds Move to Forfeit Marin Pot Club's Property This is the first actual eviction proceeding in California I understand.
  3. Ernst

    Federal Intelligence Agencies May Help Target Pot Growers

    Sorry to read your area had a bad season fade. My friend down south thought it was a great year since it was strangely cooler. I got the index page for google earth. I have that installed so is there a coordinate I should look at?
  4. Ernst

    California DOJ to Gut Drug, Gang & Organized Crime Task Forces

    In the face of the actual trade our Government has always done just enough to moderate the industry and little more. It is very big business and our fingers are in the pie for sure.
  5. Ernst

    Federal Intelligence Agencies May Help Target Pot Growers

    Yeah and also they closed a couple of Tunnels so maybe they are saying use trucks, don't grow in California or use tunnels? It sounds silly but our drug policies are... well, a bit scatter brained what with us shipping guns south so we can be sure thousands get killed this year and the supply...
  6. Ernst

    California DOJ to Gut Drug, Gang & Organized Crime Task Forces

    I'm reading and believing there is a retreat. From Congress who can't find a way to stop spending to law enforcement that realizes that cannabis is not such a problem in the hands of the people. What has happened here lately is a massive up-swell in arrests but now the call seems out to say...
  7. Ernst

    California Medical Marijuana Industry Comes To Reality TV

    Well I can only post the news I see. I just saw a local conservative paper kick the dog and endorse legalizing. Seems the reality that we cannot afford more and more monies to fund this war on drugs.
  8. Ernst

    California DOJ to Gut Drug, Gang & Organized Crime Task Forces

    California DOJ to gut drug, gang & organized crime task forces Looks like we have run out of funding so why not legalize cannabis?
  9. Ernst

    Poll: Public supports medical marijuana, but not full pot legalization

    Yeah, the numbers are about the same. Up slightly since the crackdown. It may be an indicator of change. The speed of political change. I still believe that dropping commerce language will poll high. I wish I could poll for that.
  10. Ernst

    Poll: Public supports medical marijuana, but not full pot legalization

    Places down South think a Black man and a White woman getting married is an offence to God. Edit: Texas too.
  11. Ernst

    Federal Marijuana Prosecution Guidelines

    Federal marijuana prosecution guidelines We are not supposed to have this. For more follow the link.
  12. Ernst

    Poll: Public supports medical marijuana, but not full pot legalization

    Poll: Public supports medical marijuana, but not full pot legalization Here is a CBS Poll I wish favored Legalizing but hey we are getting closer.
  13. Ernst

    A New Twist In Medical Marijuana Fight

    I guess I messed up that cut and paste? That is odd.. Oh well I'm not perfect.
  14. Ernst

    A New Twist In Medical Marijuana Fight

    A New Twist in Medical Marijuana Fight MODESTO, Calif. (CN) - An insurer told a couple in California's Central Valley that "all risks" property insurance does not cover losses suffered when marijuana-growing equipment malfunctions...
  15. Ernst

    Marijuana Punishments Would Decrease Under Pragmatic New California Initiative 1518

    That Jesus-weed icon is cool. I think folks are more used to legal weed via medical than ever... Some wish they could smoke. I got this vibe tonight at a bar.. Three guys talked about medical and were like.. I wish I could.
  16. Ernst

    The Regulate Marijuana Like Wine Thread.

    California has a voter Initiative process because of pas corruption in California Government. It is meant to get things done none of the elected officials will do even when it is the will of the people to get it done. You see fat-cats will never vote themselves out of the benefit so we have to...
  17. Ernst

    When the Obvious is Obvious

    Possibly California will be awaiting it's day in the Supreme Court over it's "legalizing" cannabis for commerce? Here is one I predict. Unemployment remains above 9% nationally and crime is rising all across the Nation due to poverty.
  18. Ernst

    When the Obvious is Obvious

    Ah You make it a thread about me?
  19. Ernst

    When the Obvious is Obvious

    Well sure because it is about what we will be looking at post 2012.. I say smoke one. <pun intended> What do you see as post 2012 for Cannabis Freedom in say, California and the USA + World? Music link of the moment : It's a thread. That's all.
  20. Ernst

    When the Obvious is Obvious

    When the Obvious is Obvious. Can you say that Hindsight isn't 20/20 ? What is the Hindsight of 2012? My first guess is that the Federal crackdown is the "ring" emit from the big brass bell after being struck. Sort of the kind of "atonement" where the Feds shut down 2010 by threatening and...