When the Obvious is Obvious


Well-Known Member
When the Obvious is Obvious.

Can you say that Hindsight isn't 20/20 ?

What is the Hindsight of 2012?

My first guess is that the Federal crackdown is the "ring" emit from the big brass bell after being struck.

Sort of the kind of "atonement" where the Feds shut down 2010 by threatening and now they may be cherry picking who and what groups will stay standing after 2012 (dispensaries or aka retail franchises.)

Food for thought not a rant.


Well-Known Member
This is a really foggy post.

You've managed to catch my attention with the title but I'm having difficulty following your train of thought since you've provided no background for me to delve into. Would you be able to help me understand?


Well-Known Member
This is a really foggy post.

You've managed to catch my attention with the title but I'm having difficulty following your train of thought since you've provided no background for me to delve into. Would you be able to help me understand?
lol! I want some of what Ernst is smoking! Most of his posts are "foggy".:-|


Well-Known Member
it is incredible how the US has strong-armed every other country in the world virtually into cannabis prohibition - hemp oil and all.. when we make a move, britain recriminalizes, amsterdam closes up and china kills 300 inmates....


Well-Known Member
So this originally was a post about the state of marijuana legislation after 2012.

I get ya now, unfortunately I gotta pull out of this thread now. To put it bluntly, I don't care about American or world laws on the topic since I live in canukland. Our laws are relaxed, but still present. With legalization around the corner.


Well-Known Member
we really dont care much for "canukland" either man... how aboot you get outta here

So this originally was a post about the state of marijuana legislation after 2012.

I get ya now, unfortunately I gotta pull out of this thread now. To put it bluntly, I don't care about American or world laws on the topic since I live in canukland. Our laws are relaxed, but still present. With legalization around the corner.


Well-Known Member
It is hard to tell without knowing who will be president. what the hell happened to the barney frank and ron paul bill?

im really hoping that it gets decriminalized and we can grow all we want. the gov aint got no business in what we consume, but by the looks of it, i think they will start trumping state law and going after everyone... they do not care about it and will do anything to fuck it over... the more people they can put in jail the better for them and the richer they get


Well-Known Member
Uranium production, natural resources, Alternative energy, cannabis decriminalization, legal prostitution in some provinces and having 3 seperate types of marine ecosystems


Well-Known Member
not at all, there's also the attempted genocide and later conversion of the aboriginal people into white society, invasive species decimating the coastal forest industry, free healthcare and a prime minister that shits on a plate and feeds it to us calling it steak.


Well-Known Member
so you're just saying canuckland sucks ass right?

not at all, there's also the attempted genocide and later conversion of the aboriginal people into white society, invasive species decimating the coastal forest industry, free healthcare and a prime minister that shits on a plate and feeds it to us calling it steak.


Well-Known Member
I gotta agree with you on that. America does produce some beautiful things.


There are way more negatives associated with American politic decisions than Canada. For starters, a pointless war on drugs that is costing billions while filling American jails with pot heads that generally improve economies.


Well-Known Member
Possibly California will be awaiting it's day in the Supreme Court over it's "legalizing" cannabis for commerce?

Here is one I predict. Unemployment remains above 9% nationally and crime is rising all across the Nation due to poverty.