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  1. DeMoNeye

    Completed build, Cutter 4 Cob kit, Active Cooling...

    Been in my small grow tent for about 3 days - looking great and I can swear I can see them growing day by day...
  2. DeMoNeye

    Quick Query on Cree COB/Meanwell Driver Running Efficency?

    Ummm - yes I agree it could be done with a SPST switch, but picking up a SPDT was just as on eBay (£1.50). I like the circuit with the open SPDT terminal, It shows clearly that the circuit is broken and I'd argue this is easier to understand...
  3. DeMoNeye

    Completed build, Cutter 4 Cob kit, Active Cooling...

    I actually got those 3D printed. Designed in 3Dbuilder - free with Windows 10 and then printed using a local supplier found on a 3D hub - costs about £10 @velvet_underground - If you let me know the internal diameter you want them printed at (ie what will slide over your poles - mm please)...
  4. DeMoNeye

    Completed build, Cutter 4 Cob kit, Active Cooling...

    Just taking temperatures with laser thermometer - cobs are running at 220°f, heatsinks at about 81°, canopy leaves 72°-78°. Output from vent system is cool, no heat at all. I've moved the clip fan up above the light rig now, just to move air and delivery CO2 to drop over plants (sugar/yeast...
  5. DeMoNeye

    Quick Query on Cree COB/Meanwell Driver Running Efficency?

    @weed-whacker The 10k resistor is included in the circuit so you never short out the dimming wires - effectively 10k-110k pot. The switch connects the white lead to either the resistor/pot/blue wire circuit or nothing (open circuit, no dimming, override).
  6. DeMoNeye

    Completed build, Cutter 4 Cob kit, Active Cooling...

    Posting heatsinks from Australia was hugely expensive and are difficult to source in UK. Active cooling worked out cheaper! Additional side effect of active cooling is that the downdraft from the fans keeps the canopy moving slightly and nice and cool.
  7. DeMoNeye

    Completed build, Cutter 4 Cob kit, Active Cooling...

    Exactly what I was going for - no hanging wires, and nice stable build. Next thing will be investigation of Arduino powered PWM dimming!
  8. DeMoNeye

    Completed build, Cutter 4 Cob kit, Active Cooling...

    Cutter 4 Cob Cree kit, 200w/1400ma Meanwell Supply, Artic Alpine 100w CPU coolers, 100k potentiometer dimming and dimmer override switch. All built and installed on an aluminium frame to fit snuggly in my 60cm square tent. Thanks to users on here who've help me through...! :clap:
  9. DeMoNeye

    Angelina Reflector Improvement?

    Wrapped externally only - leave the reflector to reflect and I've just tried to keep all light within the shade... Got to love aluminium tape!
  10. DeMoNeye

    Angelina Reflector Improvement?

    Totally agree about wrapping in foil, but I will be wrapping the outside in aluminium foil tape. All they light leaking from the translucent shade should be going down...
  11. DeMoNeye

    Angelina Reflector Improvement?

    Is there a manufacturer / model number on those sexy chrome ones?
  12. DeMoNeye

    Angelina Reflector Improvement?

    Looked into plastic chroming - hugely expensive for 4 shades - eekkkk! Once I'm up and running I'll have a little experiment - I can see some little aluminium hats being made as a side effect of this project!
  13. DeMoNeye

    Angelina Reflector Improvement?

    Shortly gowing to be running 4 Cree cobs fitted with angelina reflectors. Would it make sense to wrap the outside of the reflectors with aluminium tape so all the light is reflected out and down rather than leaking out the sides?
  14. DeMoNeye

    Quick Query on Cree COB/Meanwell Driver Running Efficency?

    I'd love too, but I'm only ever going to run one driver it's loads of cash to lay out. Another member on here is helping me to dip my toes in Arduino. Using this as a single PWM or Resistance dimmer.
  15. DeMoNeye

    Quick Query on Cree COB/Meanwell Driver Running Efficency?

    Just purchased a switch - great idea to have a full bypass, for those last few weeks of flowering. Something else to add to switch bank - lamp dimmer, active cooling fan speed and now dimmer bypass.
  16. DeMoNeye

    Quick Query on Cree COB/Meanwell Driver Running Efficency?

    I'm just about to wire up four Cree CXB3590-0000-000N0HCD35G to a Meanwell HLG-185H-C1400B 200.2W 1400mA71-143V. Will this run the COB undimmed at 100%? I will be including a 100k Ohm Potentiometer across the dimming wires, with a fixed short resistor at 10k Ohms. How should I set the dim to...
  17. DeMoNeye

    Digital Lighting Controller - Single Driver 10v

    Just about to start building a 4 cob cree led rig for my small glowworm. Only running one Meanwell driver and intended to use potentiometer dimming but recently came across articles talking about digital pwm devices that mimic dawn, dusk etc. Anyone had any experience with such a thing or know...
  18. DeMoNeye

    Sourcing an LED Driver in the UK?

    Parcel from Cutter now in the UK and I had to pay £33 duty to release it through customs - received a parcel from the US at the same time, no duty?