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  1. Sparadical

    Alien x Triangle auto comparison by The Vault

    Looking forward to getting these a couple weeks down the line! Not sure whether to wait for a few more to receive their seeds then we should all be about the same in grow reports.....
  2. Sparadical

    Alien x Triangle auto comparison by The Vault

    Awesome! Beans arrived safe and sound this morning, just got to make some room and get the heat mat out and I'm ready to go! Thanks jack! And the t shirt is awesome!
  3. Sparadical

    Week 6 flower... Amber trichs???

    Should of gone to specsavers.... Jk there's 100% a good few ambers in there my friend!
  4. Sparadical

    Don't Break My Heart!!!!!!!!

    Subbed! Looks fun
  5. Sparadical

    250W Closet Grow - vertical experiment

    I'm also only using a 250, subbed up for the show, great journal!
  6. Sparadical

    Any help would be appreciated! First grow

    Ditto to this!
  7. Sparadical

    Week 6 flower... Amber trichs???

    Thanks for putting my mind to rest, will let you all see the final product when it's done until then bongsmilie
  8. Sparadical

    Week 6 flower... Amber trichs???

    Thanks schmarmpit, this is along the lines of my original thinking, I've had sugar leaves turn slightly Amber early, but this is a good 15 % all over and in the buds, which is why it's got me scratching my head..... I'll keep feeding as usual for now and if more and more turn I'll flush and...
  9. Sparadical

    Week 6 flower... Amber trichs???

    It's forever a learning game my friend! I imagine a few of the better known members will be lurking around soon enough with an answer...
  10. Sparadical

    Week 6 flower... Amber trichs???

    Bio bizz full range, around 1000ppm or she burns... :fire:
  11. Sparadical

    Week 6 flower... Amber trichs???

    That's not a bad shout and I have literally no idea what strain she is..... Maybe I'll flush and just keep giving water and ride it out?
  12. Sparadical

    Guess the sex

    Such a great pic :lol:
  13. Sparadical

    Week 6 flower... Amber trichs???

    It's weird isn't it, see some cloudy and clear too.... Still a lot of white pistils too, I'm tempted to start flushing, as I'd rather chop early than late, and when they stray turning they don't take long..... I just don't know what to do with her haha
  14. Sparadical

    Guess the sex

    I think we should keep it going, anyone else got a ore flower pic? ( I wonder who will post the knob pic from the other thread) :lol:
  15. Sparadical

    Guess the sex

    Tbh half the reason I put it up was because it was a 50/50 looking one... It's always a learning game after all!
  16. Sparadical

    Guess the sex

    It's a SHE....... Congrats to all who got right, this pic was a very early pre flower. :bigjoint:
  17. Sparadical

    am i ready too flower em ??? or another month? ?

    I'd put them in now, as long as the 12 hours they get is good light and 12 of dark is pitch black they'll stretch right out and you'll have some tasty meds
  18. Sparadical

    Week 6 flower... Amber trichs???

    As above says, this weird bag seed I saved from another grower has Amber trichs starting all over and pistils starting to withdraw and turn brown but she's only in week 6 of flower? This hasn't happened to me before so soon, and a few things make me unsure of whether to flush and start getting...
  19. Sparadical

    am i ready too flower em ??? or another month? ?

    Depends how much room you have..... bongsmilie
  20. Sparadical

    Male preflower??

    Yep if you don't want to breed I'd chop em!