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    Roots Organic Original soil - OK for starting seeds in?

    Experienced grower here, looking for experienced opinions. Anyone out there using Roots Organic ORIGINAL for starting seeds? Is it too hot?
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    LST training stakes? What are you using?

    Yeah that's what I do. I was referring to people who tie flexible wire or string to the edge of the pot.
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    LST training stakes? What are you using?

    Lot of wire users I see. Not a fan of drilling holes or other contraptions, when you can buy 144 medium binder clips for less than $20. They clip to the edge of plastic or cloth pots, and you can easily adjust the positioning. Also very useful for power cord/string/sticky paper management...
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    LST training stakes? What are you using?

    Yeah I used to use the green rubber coated garden wire, with the office clips attached to the pot rim. Works nice, but I find the stakes are much faster to install, easier to adjust, and much faster to remove - especially if you have a lot of plants. Was just wondering if someone made stakes...
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    LST training stakes? What are you using?

    I was making LST training stakes out of coat hangers, but I need quantity now. Probably gonna snag these in 6" and 12": Landscape Staples What else is out there?
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    Most Powdery Mildew resistant strains?

    Slurricane. Had this in a room with 6 other plants overrun with PM, and it did not have a single spot of PM. I also recall some dude on youtube did a big room run, and introduced PM on purpose to see which strains survived, and Slurricane was 100% unaffected. And as far as killing PM on plants...
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    soil ph is at 8.o , what can it be? and how can I fix it

    That plant is rippin! I wouldn't change anything when you pot up - except maybe skip the baking soda. Also guessing that plant is root bound in that 1 gallon pot. Might wanna put 6 or so vertical slashes on the sides, and few on the bottom of the root ball with a clean knife. I also spray the...
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    growing Gelato

    Yeah, could just be plant variation. I'll be running a couple more strains from fast buds, will see what happens...
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    growing Gelato

    Having calcium deficiency again with fast buds Forbidden Runtz. Maybe it's an autoflower thing, due to the rapid growth rate? I haven't run enough autos to know for sure.
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    Advice on topping

    Let the small one stretch out a bit more before bending. I usually start bending when I have about 3" of stem to work with. I use metal U shaped stakes, you can make em out of a wire hanger. Or buy em online as "garden stakes" or "garden staples". I use the 6" and 12". Or tie to edge of pot...
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    Advice on topping

    You could easily bend the mainstems over and get an even canopy without topping. Looks like you topped one already. Maybe bend the main stem over on the small one. My current auto grow is 4 plants. I topped 3 of em, and bent over the main stem on the one tiny runt. The runt caught up to the...
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    Post Your Frostiest Autoflower Bud Pics

    Fast Buds Gelato. Detroit Nutrient Co soil, 1 gal. Mars Hydro LED.
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    Post Your Frostiest Autoflower Bud Pics

    Nice! Strain/breeder?
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    For those who transplant - do I go straight from cell pack to my finishing 3gal pot?

    Straight to final pot. They'll grow faster IMO. Just don't overwater.
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    growing Gelato

    I ran fast buds Gelato, came out pretty nice. Needed more calcium than my photos though, so keep an eye on that.
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    Happy Frog users - how long do the nutes last?

    Interesting info on the calmag. Well noted! Thx. And just to clarify, I'm using Down To Earth, not Dr. Earth. This stuff: Vegetable Garden 4-4-4
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    Happy Frog users - how long do the nutes last?

    Nice info thanks! I added perlite: 2/3 Happy Frog to 1/3 perlite. Also added some epsom salts and gypsum, since most these soils seem to lack calmag. I top dress with Down To Earth Vegetable 4-4-4 for the entire grow - 1/2 tbsp per pot gallon is good for about 4 weeks. It's great stuff, and...
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    Happy Frog users - how long do the nutes last?

    I just dropped 5 inch clones into 5 gallon pots filled with Fox Farm Happy Frog. This is the first time I've used this particular soil. Was wondering how long the nutes in Happy Frog will last before I need to add my top dress amendments? Hoping some experienced HF users could chime in...
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    Having hell cloning..

    How many days do you leave the dome on?
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    Does anybody like Fastbuds?

    Lookin good! Did you LST only, or top that?