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  1. guitarzan

    soaking seeds in water to help germinate right or wrong ??

    I'm not sure wtf I'm doing wrong, but I like plants from seed...not too much into clones...I prefer seeds is what I'm trying to say. Anyway, ever since seeds became more expensive than gold because people know how to grow pot nowadays and there isn't a ton of seeds in an ounce of bud anymore...
  2. guitarzan

    Jiffy Pellets too wet?!?

    Try a bit of hydrogen peroxide mixed with the water...16:1 water: hydrogen peroxide ratio...that'll kill any microbes that harm seedlings...
  3. guitarzan

    Jiffy Pellets too wet?!?

    You ain't alone here in this misery regarding germinating marijuana seeds. I only really have issues during the winter's like the seeds know how cold the dew point is. During the summer months and late spring, put seeds in sand and they seem to sprout, not so much in the fall &...
  4. guitarzan

    Who has the stinkest Road Kill Skunk?

    Hey buddy...pssst', I can really smell the bud off ya man...just sayin'...? lol
  5. guitarzan

    Who has the stinkest Road Kill Skunk?

    I know a guy who actually grew crops of that smelly skunk bud in the 1990's...he grew it on a small island on a large lake so the smell wasn't an really needed a boat to get it properly, anyway, I asked him where I might be able to get seeds for bud like that (thought maybe he'd have...
  6. guitarzan

    Foliar Feeding

    I water my girls once a week too...I always think I should give them more but if it ain't broke, don't fix it. My three big girls are in 10 gallon fabric bags and will stay there until they're finished. What I've been doing, ever since I found out too much is always worse than not enough, is...
  7. guitarzan

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    Only sells to the US, not Canada? Why, is it prejudice? Tell it to go fuck his Mexican Mummy in the anal cavity then.
  8. guitarzan

    Help with indoor transitioning to outdoor in WNY

    You can build a greenhouse type thing for not too much cash...or buy one from Crappy Tire or whatever.
  9. guitarzan

    Help with indoor transitioning to outdoor in WNY

    Hey, do you know how to fix that? You go to WalMart or a hardware store, get a length of threaded rod and some nuts and washers to fit, a length of copper pipe to stick the threaded rod into, about 6 bucks...get two lawn mower wheels...fixed. I just did it when the flimsy wheel set up caff't...
  10. guitarzan

    Help with indoor transitioning to outdoor in WNY

    Better safe than sorry, I hear ya. I have three babies and three teenager plants downstairs now in North Bay Ontario, a bit north of you, and no way would I put any of them outside yet...even in the daytime. The dew point is still frozen probably, fuk dat. lol
  11. guitarzan

    Help with indoor transitioning to outdoor in WNY

    If you can, get one of those heavy duty trash containers on wheels...but get the ones with big wheels or it'll break. It's always nice to be able to move the thing...heavy winds, hail, rain...can make your ladies sick. I used a yard cart on wheels, rectangular box full of ProMix...
  12. guitarzan

    Help with indoor transitioning to outdoor in WNY

    If the plant gets 14 hours of light per day, no matter the strain (except auto-flower of course), you shouldn't worry about triggering flower. Pretty sure, my experience...
  13. guitarzan

    Help with indoor transitioning to outdoor in WNY

    That plant looks pretty good for a rookie, um, but if you want a really bushy plant, like rather than one or three tops, you can get fifty colas...just pinch the very very newest growth on the top of each top or cola...that will always double into two colas, and you can keep doing it over and...
  14. guitarzan

    When do plants start to give off an odor?

    I went and bought another Co2 bag by Exhale...had one last year indoors when a sativa plant wouldn't finish flowering outside, so I bring her indoors under some strong LED's to finish. I JUST got my, hopefully, real old school smells like burning tires and skunk arseholes Afghani X Skunk #1...
  15. guitarzan

    What happened to the REAL Skunk?

    I just asked a guy who actually grew lots of the original skunk bud in the 1990's for some seeds from that strain if possible. Well, he sent me to Attitude Seeds for Afghani X Skunk #1. I hope they smell like I hope them to smell a near dead or dead for weeks skunk's nasty bunghole.
  16. guitarzan

    What happened to the REAL Skunk?

    UM, WRONG. That extremely stinky can't hide the smell of burning tires and pissed of dead skunk corpses type stuff has been bred out. Now, we have great looking buds but no kick to any of it. The "Top Shelf" stuff here at retail stores is mediocre at best...I know, I buy it occasionally. The bud...
  17. guitarzan

    Nutrient amount for 10 Gallon Pots

    I agree, I've found that too little water is easier to fix than if you put too much water. That is, more problems assiciated with more water than less. I wait until my 10 gallon fabric bags feel fairly light (having one with just dry soil mix in it to compare), sometimes even droopy leaves, then...
  18. guitarzan

    Banana Skin and Orange peel

    And don't worry about using chemical fertilizers, just remember, too much is much fertilizers is much more difficult to remedy than not enough. You know, if the instructions say use 30 ml per 4 litres of water, and you've never tried the stuff before, use 1/2 the recommended amount, 2/3 at most...
  19. guitarzan

    Banana Skin and Orange peel

    I'm currently mixing up a batch of fresh soil mixture...I use MYCORRHIZAE by ProMix, then mix the appropriate amount of flowering bat guano powder and the appropriate amount of Muriate of Potash. We consume a lot of bananas around here, so I've cut up pounds of skins and mixed in old coffee...
  20. guitarzan

    Guerrilla grow in trash bags?

    You've seen those big bags of MYCORRHIZAE soil mix? It's 60 pounds of it compressed soil mix with no added nutrients just the mycorrhizae fungis ...I've seen big plants, fuk dat, trees growing right out of those. They put the plant right in fluffing it up in smaller pots, just boom, in...