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  1. D

    24hr lighting

    i have 2 29 watt cfls. i have 2 plants growing. is it ok to have the lights on all the time for veg.? this is my first indoor grow soo any advice appreciated. --------------------------------------------------------------
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    first grow, advice appreciated

    do u have any filtration to that bucket ur usin?
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    what type of blints do you smoke where your from?

    nahh. grape dutches are the best i smoke at leaset 3-4 a day!!! i'll smoke any kinds of blunt but grape dutches are the shit! just blaze, stasy high 24/7
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    lights question

    you can also use reptile lights. they really help with good growth. they put out ideal UVA and UVB rays. u should get 1-2 uva and uvb full spectrum lights and a 400watt MH. with uva and uvb lights u see results quick. the first day i used them they grew fast u can see the results right before ur...
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    UV Lighting

    did u know that you can use reptile lights to help in growth of ur plant. reptile lights produce UVA and UVB rays that help in the growth of ur plant through out its life. i just hooked up my lights last night and i seen soo much inprovement in just 1 day!! these lights are the shit...
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    Jethro's Stealth CFL Closet Build and Grow

    where did you get the cfl 8 light holder at? i've been looking everywhere for one of those. i have almost identical setup as u. only i have my lights hanging from a clothes rack down to the plant about 3-4 inches away from the plant. for now 2 100 watt CFL bulbs, but im adding more lights, some...
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    what i have for my grow room

    hello, in my grow room i have 2 100watt compact fluorescent bulbs. is this alright? once it is ready to flower i have 2 150 watt fluorescent bulbs is this alright? anybodys opinion is helpful thanx.
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    ghetto setup

    this is the setup. message me if u can't see i'll figure somethin out.
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    ghetto setup

    i just startted my growing closet at 12:30 am on fri. i drew a picture because as of right now my camera is fucked up but i'll try to post real pics soon. key: 1.compact fluorescent lights (100 watts) 2.clothes rack 3.rubbermaid tote 4.cups lights are closer to the cups than in illistration...
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    help first time grower need expert help

    i also have another question: can u use miricle grow (the spray)?
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    help first time grower need expert help

    ok.. this is my first grow indoors and i'm trying not to spend too much money, i have a few questions. 1. what kind of soil do u recommend? 2. i read that u need to add all kinds of nutrients and furtilizers, do u or can u just use soil? and light of course 3.i have a nice closet space about...
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    i have a few questions: 1. say some one gave u a hint that someone is on to ur plants is it alright to pick the little buds off even though its not completley grown yet? 2.what should i do about little spider eggs on every leaf of my plant? u have to dry ur buds or can u smoke it pretty...
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    blueish spots

    i need help i planted seeds a while back 9-10 weeks ago, all natural no chemicals all natural!! i went to check them yesterday and i noticed some very little blueish dots on all the leaves its wierd, there are no bugs or anything the leaves still look healthy, i don't know if this is a problem...
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    blueish spots on my leaves

    does anybody know whats wrong? i planted seeds about 9-10 weeks ago (early to mid june) and i naturally let nature take its course. i checked them yesterday and when i looked really close there are very little blueish spots on the leaves. i have no idea what they are. please help. thanx.
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    my babies have taken a turn for the worst...

    your lights are to close