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  1. mogie

    Hello, I'm NO GROW

    Okay who made fun of No Grow? The size of a man's bud is a personal thing.
  2. mogie

    is 2 gal pot enough

    I am growing outside and using 7 gallon containers. I like big plants.
  3. mogie

    Personal Attacks Will not be tolerated

    And this will be put into effect when?
  4. mogie

    More on Moore's "Sicko."

    You must be high because that last
  5. mogie

    And even more on Moore's little box of a world ...

    I didn't see anything wrong with what Vi posted. The article was correct.
  6. mogie

    Males Or Females? Please Help

    I can't tell by your photos sorry.
  7. mogie

    First To I.D. Get's +Rep from Lumberjack!

    fdd's toilet?
  8. mogie


    Don't take chances flat white paint.
  9. mogie

    HELLLPPPPP 2 much HEAT!!!!

    You have to exhaust that hot air somewhere outside the closet.
  10. mogie

    Home built bubble-ponic kit

    I hope you are doing a journal would love step by step instuctions.
  11. mogie

    Calm down dear!!

    Looks like a pedophile.
  12. mogie

    Hello, I'm TheConstantGardner, and I'm an alcoholic

    That is why we have dogs to get the zombies away. It seems to work too. Funny how zombies carry bibles.
  13. mogie

    FDD closer to Ganja God Reports Say!

    That's sterling folks.
  14. mogie

    New Mod Needed

    First congratulations fdd! You were a great choice. I would like to see Kind Princess as the next moderator. She is very knowledgable, is nice and isn't rude (that goes a long way especially with new people), experienced grower and breeder.
  15. mogie

    Trying To Clone

    Items you?ll need: 1. A very sharp blade. 2. A container that can be covered in a clear membrane (plastic wrap or something like that). 3. A clear membrane or lid. 4. A planting medium. (perlite mixed with vermiculite, or just vermiculite...
  16. mogie

    Someone's Selling Seeds Again!!!!

    Okay Bubba apoligized lets pick up and move on.
  17. mogie

    Can you help me determine the gender of my plants

    I think it might be too late for those boys in the first two pics. But pic 1 & 2 those balls are the size of coconuts. #3 might be a male take another in a day or two.
  18. mogie

    Ebb & Flow

    Check this out:
  19. mogie

    What's Up?

    Cool. Good to have you aboard.
  20. mogie

    You Was Poppin'

    Hello and good to have you around.