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  1. tiltswitch

    Whatcha think?

    looking good mate
  2. tiltswitch

    Please help

    looks like pre flower to me unless it is indeed an auto which I doubt they messed up your order though it's a possibility
  3. tiltswitch

    PH measurements

    use a bluelab ph atc...theyre the best tester imo...whatevdr you get you need it to be automatic temp adjusting for accuracy.if your in soil/ soiless mix you shunt ever need to test the medium ph ..
  4. tiltswitch

    Nutes question??

    germ in towels as you get a better germ can start in party cups then transplant to final pot or just pot straight to 10l pot.its recommended to pot straight to final pot with autos but iv done party cups first without issue
  5. tiltswitch

    I used regular garden dirt to grow my seed...

    if it's not sprouted after a week I doubt it will...normal garden soil usually isn't the best to grow weed but I know people who have done it with mixed results
  6. tiltswitch

    Possible mistaken identity! Help with choosing a winning seed!

    they're probably both bc just different phenotypes the sativa Dom one will probably have a longer flower time than the indica looking one...i doubt they muddled up your order on purchase but it's a possibility
  7. tiltswitch

    Need some opinions

    hard to say without knowing everything your doing but my guess is over nuting as above poster said...try only using half what your giving
  8. tiltswitch

    I can't find what it is...

    i cant see the pic very well on my phone it won't zoom in properly but it looks like powdery mildew from what I can tell...if you have very high humidity bad air extraction,circulation then I'm sure that's what it is
  9. tiltswitch

    Is this casued by PH problems (leaves are dry and brown)

    yeah looks like you'll have to set it 2 or 3 times a day if you can't figure it out...does your rez need cleaning??
  10. tiltswitch

    What’s wrong

    then I'd guess at ph issue unless it's very close to the light
  11. tiltswitch

    Yellowish/rust colored spots - can’t figure this out.

    it's probably a bit of ph instability I wouldn't worry about the odd leaf discoloration unless it's spreading consistently...yheyl be fine...youll never see all your leaves without some problem...just keep everything balanced and it should iron itself out
  12. tiltswitch

    What’s this issue?

    ph at a guess without knowing everything your doing....some strains can handle drifting ph some want it stable and spot on everytime
  13. tiltswitch

    What’s wrong

    could be a few things...looks like too high issues or not enough water but if you've flushed and it's still doing it then it can't be that...i only see that when iv not watered or it's too hot or too near the light...hope that helps
  14. tiltswitch

    Is this casued by PH problems (leaves are dry and brown)

    yeah it looks like ph probs...strange it's drifting so you keep your rez at a constant temp? are you using any nutes that self ph ??you need a temp controller if you have temp swings where your rez is
  15. tiltswitch

    Nutes question??

    I use bio bizz lmix...with autos in a 10l pot from seed you could go 4 weeks without nutes but personally I'd start nuting when they start flowering
  16. tiltswitch

    Newbie here plz help

    76f temp as 50 to 75 humidity for veg, the higher the better and 40 to 50 for flower. bud rot is very strain dependent seen none in 75 humidity but seen it in 40 with somethi g else
  17. tiltswitch

    How close together can I put 315w CMH’s to each other?

    you can put them pretty close but you don't want to if you can help it...try and cover the whole grow space and...if it's 1.2 m wide then put at 40cm In each side
  18. tiltswitch

    mycorrhizae mold on surface ? Or just mold?

    yeah it's mold. you get it on the top of the medium if your humidity is fine...
  19. tiltswitch

    Made a mess help please!

    just because you see hairs doesn't mean anything it's a sign that it's become sexually mature and ready for flower unless it's an auto in which case it's starting it's flower cycle.some photos strains do it more than others, doesn't mean it's gonna be a hermie as long as your grow room is locked...
  20. tiltswitch

    Grow guide?

    im sure if you go to their website itl be on there mate