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  1. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Best White Widow?

    Well,,,I personally like G-13 labs white widow,,,maybe not the real thing but very easy and very good yields,,,and all plants are uniform,,,plus everyone i know likes it a lot,,,so it's a main staple in my grows! A personal favorite.
  2. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    Glad I'm a collector,,,I did end up winning the mint Lottery,,,25th anniversary silver eagle set to add to my collection!!!!,,,I'm not flipping for profit just hold for sure!
  3. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Poland,,,what do you think?

    Thanks madman,,,I can control myself...especially in such Places...Thank you,,,
  4. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Poland,,,what do you think?

    Is that a "Bad Thing"? lol...
  5. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Poland,,,what do you think?

    I'm from the USA,,,My wanna do in a year or so is visit poland,,and visit " The Camps",,,visit history,,and the club's,,,are American's welcome there?,,,any one ever been or seen the "museum"?,,,It's dark but I like knowing history,,,?
  6. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    They are coming or already in a town near you,,,,,Coming to get you.........Zombie's Rule.....
  7. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    GOP debate

    Go "Obama",,,Mitt,,,will be the condender and he has a good chance IMO....
  8. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    GOP debate

    Hell I'm for a "Ron Paul vs,,,Obama",,,I like em' both,,,except the Party that really rule's the president! Us or them?,,,But The only one that has a chance is Mitt IMO.....
  9. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    A president died today.

    Ron Paul Or Obama?,,,Ha Ha,,,That's is my vote! Today.....Everyone else really suck's!!!!! watching the debate,,,If no paul Obama win's!!!!!,,,I Like em both Tonight,,,LOL:blsmoke::eyesmoke:,,,Fuck Gingrich!
  10. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Won't be on for a while

    Hey,,,hope you get better,,,and "Happy Thanksgiving",,,crazy how a fucking splinter can cause such problem's,,,I know had many "Pain's in my ass lol",,,now give me your silver!.....:-P:peace:
  11. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    A president died today.

    I was not around,,,But will never forget,,,same with my kids;-),,,He had a lot of "trouble's",,,from the begining I think? or trouble from below?,,,He was the first "Catholic",,,I think?...I don't know:-(,,,do you?,,,Tell us "Top Brick",,,what do you know and remember?
  12. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Don't eat a Turkey this Thursday and save the world!

    Let's tell the "ant eater's",,,to stop killing the poor ant's:roll:,,,I'm wearing "Leather Underwear",,,and in my key chain is a colored rabbit's foot,,,That I got out a quater machine when I was young:lol:,,,at K-mart:eyesmoke:
  13. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Don't eat a Turkey this Thursday and save the world!

    Hey I'm a "Liberal",,,I eat turkey and with the "Family",,,There is no leftover's so dickhead's suck a dick this Thanksgivin',,,Your already used to ass kissing....:mrgreen:
  14. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Detroit Police Sick Out.

    Your welcome to stay at my house?,,,I got a gun too....:-P,,,Oh yea Meth is Bad!
  15. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Are the 25-35s screwed?

    It used to be fishing in alaska,,,Guess the oil spill killed all the fish?
  16. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Detroit Police Sick Out.

    Yea,,,Let's get rid of there "union's Too",,,and collective negotiation's right's for a decent wage too...Fucking over payed cop's crying now:roll:,,,I thought "Kid Rock",,,Owned Detroit?:eyesmoke:,,,He's a "Republican"...Just call him and "Ted Nuggent",,,They will be there quicker than "Dawg...
  17. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    Maybe you just need to make your bed with that "Silver",,,you have ya know,,, How momma makes your bed with all that "silver" Lying's...Dumbass Retard lol....
  18. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Official debt is now more than $15 Trillion.

    Let me know when it's 15 zillion cause I really don't know what's after that?,,,,Really don't know what's after a trillion,,,Damn it I really don't care....That damn debt clock never goes the other way and if it did i would not even notice.
  19. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    See 99....votes...A conspiracy or fact I caught that:mrgreen:
  20. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    2011 NFL Week 10 Power Rankings

    San Fran is a solid team,,,They are doing much better,,,It's like everyone is getting on the same page again...Go 49er's!!!!!!,,,Yea been a fan on the other coast since 1985...