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  1. Nullis

    oil after winterization?

    I'm no expert on the process, but I've looked into it for personal reasons and fresh trim probably isn't ideal. Butane isn't water soluble except in cold water apparently, and when you blast fresh material with butane it is super cold, freezing the water in the material and very likely pulling...
  2. Nullis

    A question for those growing in FF ocean forest

    Did you give them anything soon after transplanting? Plants take a little while to absorb nutrients through their roots, and for those nutrients to get where needed. This is why foliar feeding is usually recommended for deficiencies. The plants wouldn't show burn right away though and without...
  3. Nullis

    A question for those growing in FF ocean forest

    It really makes a difference how MUCH chlorine/chloramine is in the water. In some municipalities you really don't end up with a lot of chlorine/chloramine out of the tap. In some you do. Some don't treat their water with either at all. With chlorine, however, it reacts with organic matter...
  4. Nullis

    Soil ph rise or lower over time

    It really depends, there's too many variables. In general I'd say it is going to tend to gradually get more acidic over time if you didn't lime it and especially if you use high-N fertilizer. However, one of the main factors here is actually your water source. If you use hard tap water it is...
  5. Nullis

    Anyone ever reverse their lighting schedule...twice?

    Because while I sometimes enjoy staying up until 2-3 am, I also enjoy getting stoned at night, getting at least 7 hours of sleep and waking at a reasonable hour. I'm the kind of person who would just end up staying up later and sleeping in later and later until next thing I know I'm up all...
  6. Nullis

    Anyone ever reverse their lighting schedule...twice?

    I'm seeking input from anyone who has ever reversed their lighting schedule, especially if they eventually switched it back. Here's the deal: some plants are just going into bloom (~12/12). I am considering switching the schedule to run the lights at night, say from about 9 PM to ~9 AM for a...
  7. Nullis

    Metal halide in flowering

    I don't want to say you're wrong, but you might be surprised. Halides for bloom are great, especially under certain circumstances. They will tend to keep your plants bushier with more compact growth. A standard HPS will tend to induce more stretch, which is often undesirable if you have...
  8. Nullis

    Friendly Saftey Reminder - Have A Smoke Detector In Grow Area

    I second, and get UL certified products/appliances where ever possible. Kind of funny how many of us are using big light bulbs that produce copious amounts of heat, yet it's the little things that [potentially] kill. Things like fans and CFL bulbs. I had a CFL failure that could have been bad...
  9. Nullis


    Could be root aphids: How do the plants themselves look? There are other small organisms (microarthropods) about that size that are actually beneficial/predatory mites. These are usually a light orange to...
  10. Nullis

    Pineapple Express Auto - When will it bloom?

    That's why I started it in the gallon container so I'd only have to transplant it once if necessary. I'm very gentle with transplants. Wasn't sure how big it would be getting and I'll be surprised if it gets that big (over 3'). My regular photoperiodic plants I want finishing around 2.5 ft and...
  11. Nullis

    Need room cleaning technique/advice

    Well they make hydrogen peroxide in different strengths, I think 3% is most common and you can use it as is or dilute 50/50. For bleach a typical sanitizing solution is about a tablespoon per gallon of water. Disinfecting solutions are stronger- half cup of bleach per gallon. A sanitizing...
  12. Nullis

    Need room cleaning technique/advice

    Yeah H2O2 will do fine in your case. If you had a pest problem like PM or spider mites I'd say bleach for sure.
  13. Nullis

    What is the deficiency in these seedlings

    Light Warrior is for seed germination and plants with low nutrient needs. This is one reason why it's good to start in a smaller container so you can transplant into something more nutrient-rich when they are ready for it. Those plants look to be nitrogen deficient, but this could actually be...
  14. Nullis

    Need room cleaning technique/advice

    Tiny yellow thing most likely was a pollen sac. Sometimes they are barely visible on the surface of a bud and actually grow hidden between calyxes. Sometimes this happens late in flower, so the resulting bud still either has no seeds or immature seeds. Use a sanitizing bleach solution or a...
  15. Nullis

    Pineapple Express Auto - When will it bloom?

    I don't grow autos but I got a free seed, Pineapple Express. Description says it takes 70 days to bloom but when do these typically start blooming? It's under 24 hours of light with the rest of my veggers. I've read in the past that autos wont necessarily bloom if they are getting that much...
  16. Nullis

    does winterization remove butane?

    It is my understanding that whatever minuscule amount of butane left over in the finished product will combust upon contact with the heating element.
  17. Nullis

    please help having trouble getting these babies going

    How many plants? For one thing 600 watts seems like overkill if it's just a handful of them. The picture is really small but that plant doesn't look good at all. Looks deficient for sure but other thing could be going on there as well. What's your media? How far away is the light? What are the...
  18. Nullis

    IS there something wrong with this plant ??

    I agree, looks light deprived.
  19. Nullis

    I'm suprised at how weed has progressed

    What exactly are you looking for in a strain/stone/high? It isn't all about the THC, you know. Besides, just because you grow a strain capable of producing x amount of THC doesn't mean it's going to produce that much for you under your setup. Check out Satori, 23-28% THC but it's not like they...
  20. Nullis

    How do you dispose of your trash/waste?

    I compost my waste unless something about it (e.g. spider mites) prevents me from wanting to do that. In that case it gets double or triple bagged and thrown into a waste basket at some fast food joint. Otherwise a dumpster if there is that much, but I haven't had to do that in a while. Finding...