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  1. Axelbro

    Maximum heat?

    ive heard that also,but im sure its just a myth,ive seen no evidence to it :P
  2. Axelbro

    Help With Seeds

    np=D cheers
  3. Axelbro

    Help With Seeds

    keep the unsprouted seeds in an airlocked bag in a cool dark place until youve finished your box then germ them and plant them =) goodluck
  4. Axelbro

    Help With Seeds

    if they have sprouted they must be put into soil asap! otherwise they will die
  5. Axelbro

    Help With Seeds

    there is one good trait to a seed,if it has tiger-like stripes on them,if they are dark brown almost black,those are thigs to look for
  6. Axelbro

    Help With Seeds

    dude wat? white seeds? that isnt good you mean they have sprouted,have u germed them?
  7. Axelbro

    Maximum heat?

    i also heard that plants build more THC in hotter climates because of sun protection or that true?
  8. Axelbro

    Maximum heat?

    okay cheers man!
  9. Axelbro

    Maximum heat?

    but what about seedlings? do they need colder temps or can they survive under full blast 85 temps?
  10. Axelbro

    Maximum heat?

    thanx man thats great ifo and i was thinking the same,about our climate over the world =)
  11. Axelbro

    Maximum heat?

  12. Axelbro

    Maximum heat?

    bump bump! will rep for answer
  13. Axelbro

    Maximum heat?

    What is the maximum heat limit for weed to grow under? :peace:
  14. Axelbro

    PC Grow,Bagseed,125w Envirolite

    kool ill check it out now!
  15. Axelbro

    SimplyBaked's PC Box of JOY!

    looking good man,good luck with your grow! hopefully they will fill out a bit i the future,too badwith the early stretching tho ,but u should be all good =)
  16. Axelbro

    You know you're a pothead when:

    you know your a pothead when you look at your friend and start laughing and both nodding your heads cos you not what the other friend is thinking..pack aother bowl!
  17. Axelbro

    PC Grow,Bagseed,125w Envirolite

    cheers guys!!!!
  18. Axelbro

    PC Grow,Bagseed,125w Envirolite

    cheers mate,yea my temps at the moment are around 27c too bad urs got too hot,but then again with a wardrobe you can get higher plants which means more bud right haha i had a closet grow also but my flat mates wouldnt approve so i just did a lil stealth pc box instead =D:peace:
  19. Axelbro

    PC Grow,Bagseed,125w Envirolite

    okay kool man i need all the info i can get when it comes to pc growing:mrgreen: haha hell yeah there should definatly be a PC Growers Forum!:bigjoint:yea id lov to see sum other grow box pics i could compare to :peace:
  20. Axelbro

    PC Grow,Bagseed,125w Envirolite

    thanx bro,you too:peace: