Should i prune even if its not budding cause the one that doesnt smell like nothing didnt start i also have a consentrated potash nute do u think it will help to start budding?
Thanks guys for the repli im going right now to prune and il.put up pics i saw my one that smells like weed started to bud small crowns but the athore one fuck all and no its gorrila growing right in the bush il put up pics befor and after pruning
I found holes and more inspection i found tiny grass hopper i got this insectacide it sayds good for vegtables so probly ok for weed and was woundering cause my first time growing are the heads ok or lack of sun?
Ive seen one guy grow out a 5 gallon bucket and the buds looked pretty awsome but i whould think maybe thell get root bound too eh im gonna check in to that
At lease ul be able to make seeds and ul get bud out wont be as strong as usewell but oh time get femenized seeds im in the same boat had 5 seeds 2 of em didnt germinate and 1 was a male at lease got 2 of em female