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  1. mogie

    Males: Kill Them and Dump the Body or Make Use of Them?

    I have always said that men ... I mean male plants are good for very little. Cut them up and compost their dead bodies.
  2. mogie


    Thank you. :)
  3. mogie


    Skunk I love that last thing you said. I think I have a new phrase "That's sterling folks." By the way what does it mean? LOL Might be good if I knew that. LOL
  4. mogie

    Sweet, im very lucky

    Just treat it like any other mj plant.
  5. mogie

    What's wrong with my plants? check pics
  6. mogie

    flouro light quality?

    HID (High Intensity Discharge) Lamps are: Efficient. They put out more light, with less energy usage, than any other type of illumination available to indoor growers. Bright. HID's produce more light than other types of indoor horticultural lighting. Expensive. HID's cost more than...
  7. mogie

    Using mirrors?

    I didn't say they did.
  8. mogie

    Using mirrors?

    Mirrors waste energy by reflecting only a small fraction of the light that falls on them. When light, which, like radio waves, is a form of electromagnetic radiation, strikes a metallic mirror the electrons in the metal move just as they do when a radio signal strikes an antenna. Pushing...
  9. mogie

    RollItUp.Org Book??

    Barely getting by ... lol With that latest new sponsor you landed that was a biggie (in the ad is says something about as seen on tv). That must pull in some $$$$ Everytime there is a hit on this site it means $$$ for rollitup and his sponsors. Like I said they aren't doing this out of the...
  10. mogie

    Contest Idea's

    It would attrack new people if we had one every month. Maybe we could get the new advertiser to throw in something as a prize?
  11. mogie

    Contest Idea's

    How long has it been since we have had a contest?
  12. mogie

    1 1/2 wk old plants growing sideways and laying down :(

    Bury you plant about 1/2 from your leaves and then read FAQ so this doesn't happen again.
  13. mogie

    plant sexing quetion

    the resulting seeds are worthless, because hermaphrodite parents tend to pass on the tendency to their offspring.
  14. mogie

    Urge Congress to Support Medical Marijuana Patients' Rights

    Urge Congress to Support Medical Marijuana Patients' Rights Dear Friend: This is a reminder that the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote shortly on the 2007 Hinchey-Rohrabacher medical marijuana amendment, and we need your help to send a clear and overwhelming message to...
  15. mogie

    indoors to outside

    I use t5's and put them straight out into sunlight with no problem. As soon as they get the real thing the growth goes crazy.
  16. mogie

    indoors to outside

    That is if you go from your grow room which is 85 degrees to outside that is lets say 110 degrees. The shock of the change in temp can cause your plants stress. Where I am the difference in temp is only about 10-15 degrees so no problem. The plants thrive.
  17. mogie

    indoors to outside

    I use black plastic pots. Take some sand paper and then spray paint then with white paint (well before using). Only a coat or two is needed and the looks don't matter. This helps reduce the amount of heat absorbed by the pot.
  18. mogie


    How can I make up a Nicotine pesticide? Contributed by: Funky Smile Submitted: February 8th, 2005 Get 2-3 Marlboro red ciggies, empty them out in 200ml of water and leave to stand overnight (or 24hrs). After that the liquid will be brown/black, *boil it for two or three minutes...
  19. mogie


    To a certain extent.
  20. mogie

    indoors to outside

    I just put mine right outdoors but is there a extreme climate difference that your plants will face?