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  1. mogie

    SCROG cabinet part 1

    I don't know if this will help or not. If you use the search function there is a part 2 and 3 also.
  2. mogie

    Monster Cookies

    Now this is enough cookies (munchies) for a whole bunch of stoners. What you don't use put into zip lock bags and throw into the freezer for later. Ingredients: (Makes approximately 22 dozen cookies) 2 cups butter (or...
  3. mogie

    advantages of growing in a greenhouse

    A greenhouse is any structure with a covering (usually glass) which is used to control temperature and humidity in the cultivation and protection of plants. When you have a greenhouse, you effectively have your own little micro-environment that you can control. You become the God of your own...
  4. mogie

    How to stop the smell of your smoking

    This is just a quick and simple fix.
  5. mogie

    Fungas info.

    Introduction: Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease that can seriously damage indoor and outdoor crops. Powdery mildew can rapidly infect crops in both vegetative and flowering stages...
  6. mogie


    Don't smoke cigs. :(
  7. mogie

    co2- the po' mans version

    Nice one Video Items Required: * 10lb. white sugar * 5 gallon clean bucket W/lid * 4 1/2 gallons of water * A piece of toast browned and hard * A table spoon of dry active yeast (for baking...
  8. mogie

    a cheap trichome shaker

    Cheap and easy trichome collection, making a simple shaker... Hash is one of the greatest by-products of our favorite herb, but...
  9. mogie

    best way to store seeds

    I don't know if is or not.
  10. mogie


    Ozonators can make the smell of even SMELLY strains like Mikado and Romulan practically unnoticeable, unless resin glands are broken by your movements within the grow area. Place the ozonator units in the exhaust line or area or within the grow area itself, above an air circulation or...
  11. mogie

    How to clean your glass pipe or bong

    Many people like to keep their glass pieces relatively clean, or enjoy reaping the benefits of scraping their bowels for resin to smoke. I can scrape my bowel pretty clean, but there is only so...
  12. mogie

    How to stop the smell of your smoking

    The Phantom Smoke-Eater How can I stop the smell of my smoking? Must be quick, easy and reliable...> The Phantom Smoke-Eater. This DIY anti-smell smoking device is useful for removing any telltale smoking smells. Advantage: EASY to make and VERY RELIABLE! YOU WILL NEED Scissors A sock...
  13. mogie

    How to Store Your Harvest & Maintain Quality

    The Pump n Seal which was sold on TV was an excellent way to vacuum seal and reseal jars and other airtight containers. High Times advertises a device called "It Sucks" and looks to be the same thing. It is a small hand held vacuum pump which is placed over an adhesive tab that is placed over a...
  14. mogie

    blunt rolling

    Its not easy to roll a blunt, it takes a few times to get that perfectly rolled banger. Blunt Wraps: By far, blunt wraps are the easiest to...
  15. mogie

    best way to store seeds

    For uninterrupted long term storage, freezing in a vacuum pack with a dessicant is best. Each time a batch of seeds goes through a freeze/thaw cycle, a few become unviable. For storage lengths of a few years or less, room temperature storage in an airtight container with a dessicant is...
  16. mogie

    State By State Laws

    Mass produced setups made in China and sold for a fraction of what we are used to paying. All these greedy bastards that are now making big dollars of stoners would be out on their butts. Have marijuana seeds hanging right next to the flower seeds. lol
  17. mogie

    Michael Moore for president

    He is a raving loon.
  18. mogie

    State By State Laws

    Plus what would happen to all of these companies that sell stuff to stoners at high prices when Walmart started to carry the same thing? Think of it lets go down to Walmart to pick up some seeds and a new light. lol
  19. mogie

    Michael Moore for president

    You have got to be kidding.
  20. mogie

    Weed Charity?

    If the person can't get to a compassion center then they can have a caregiver appointed. That person is allowed to do the growing and/or pick up the weed for them.