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  1. Punk

    Hermie havoc!!

    Good breeders will still produce seeds that herm. But if you're getting entire batches that are doing this, it's totally a case of bad genetics created by some pollen chucker. It's such a drag to get this far and see this shit, eh?
  2. Punk

    Urine test coming up, help!

    Gotta take a pee test at the probation office, but I have about 35-40 days to clean out. (It's for non criminal reasons, but there will be trouble if I don't pass) I'm a fairly thin guy and my concern is that I'm a daily smoker, a gram a day or so, but I quit as soon as I found out the bad...
  3. Punk

    White Widow Problem

    The yellowing that everybody is speaking of, should look like an Autumn tree leaf. A nice shade of yellow throughout the leaf. If you have spotting, where it's dark spots accompanied with the yellowing, and finally a crumbly leaf, than you have a problem, but at 8 weeks along, chances are...
  4. Punk

    What's wrong with my plants? pic included

    I agree. This looks like the beginning of overwatering.
  5. Punk

    What Affects Potency?

    Hi Fellas, If you're doing everything you should and the potency isn't there, it almost certainly is a genetic disposition. Regardless of the 'name' of the strain, it really boils down to quality of breeding. I know this is harsh to say, but it's my opinion that about 80% of the strains...
  6. Punk

    How Tall Should It Be?

    Hey there, Speaking in general terms, it sounds like they're about the perfect height. The majority of the 'stretch' should be wrapping up into week 3, so as long as its managable by you, should be fine.
  7. Punk

    Help! Seed Sprouted and Now Growing Anymore?

    Hey, so is this only happening to one of the seedlings or to all? If you're using paper towel method, you can run into trouble sometimes at first, but it should come out of it. To avoid the problem in the future, just put the seed in the dirt.
  8. Punk

    Moved Plants into Individual Pots and Now Going Limp Help?

    Perhaps not, but still that's most likely the cause. Fresh seedlings, as in, seedlings that have just sprouted within a few days, can easily recover from a snipped root, but these things are 4 weeks old and look really small, so their growth appears stunted already, they need more lighting for...
  9. Punk

    Your Opinions Based On Experience

    Good point, although I don't trim until just before I'm ready to jar. The buds are moist and I keep all the leaves on until jaring because it seems like it slows down the dry process in my otherwise dry environment. If I take the leaves off right away, my buds are crispy in about 4 days.
  10. Punk

    Your Opinions Based On Experience

    So as it pretains to weight of your yields, how dry do you let your plants get in the final days before you chop? The reason I ask is because I just picked a few plants, but one of 'em really loves to gobble water, and I quit watering all of them at the same time. I may have deprived that...
  11. Punk

    Male Noooo

    haha, are you serious? That's rotten advice dude. It's a male, you can't nueter it into being a female. That stuff at the top is not bud growth.
  12. Punk

    Overwater or Overfert?

    Not enough light is the reason.
  13. Punk

    Sannies Seeds Fans

    When I ordered KO kush, I got three packages in the mail from him, so 30 seeds for the price of 10, plus each package had freebees. I'm harvesting my crop tomorrow.
  14. Punk

    400 watt Hps Light Question

    Ya me too. I've had it for over two years with no trouble. You may want to consider getting MH/HPS on this page it's not much more and the benefits are obvious. Plus you get the duel outlet timer, which you'll need.
  15. Punk

    Gatorade for the Plants

    It's got electrolytes.
  16. Punk

    Can You Please Help!

    To piggyback off skiweed, definetely an abundance of nitrogen, first thing I thought. If you're not under a high power light source, like a metal halide, the plant isnt going to consume the amount of nutrients you might hear people suggest otherwise. About the only thing you can do is give...
  17. Punk

    Does Any Body Have a Clue?

    WHOA WHOA WHOA, don't highjack his thread, start you own, buddy. Anyway, there is absolutely zero evidence of any light burn because the growth ABOVE the twisted leaf is normal. These are just genetic abnormalities, not much different than you and I having moles...if you cloned this plant...
  18. Punk

    Wtf is This?

    The leaf has pretty good color otherwise, your ph is probably ok. How wide spread is this?
  19. Punk

    Problem Yellow Leaves

    Sounds like a lack of light. With low wattage growing, the plant reaches a certain point where the light is only able to penetrate a certain distance down, so as the plant grows, it sheds off those lower leaves that it can't support, since there's a lack of photosynthesis. A 45 watt cfl is...
  20. Punk

    My Jack is Drying Out, What Happened?

    Pull back on the nutes until you know how to apply them, make sure you are giving it a full watering, no dry patches left in the soil, water slowly and gently so not to get puddles forming on the surface. If you're using tap water, make sure you ph-down it since most municipal water sources are...