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  1. warble

    First time grower Q&A

    The absolute best way to control temperature is to be mother nature. If that is not a possibility, then I use a candle for heat. It adds CO2 in an enclosed space. I do worry about humidity, so I put a few dessicant packs above the lights and change them out when they are wet. For heat, I just...
  2. warble

    Anyone know what the issue could be?

    W/O knowing more, I'd say nute burn.
  3. warble

    Yellowing of my leaf tips

    With the darkness of those leaves and the edges burning, looks like that soil is running hot. What is your runoff PH and PPMs? Could be transplant shock, but I think that would look like more yellowing of the leaves. Doubt that the lights are too weak. If they are, you could bring the light...
  4. warble

    How long do we think she has left

    'Bout a pound. LOL. She looks beautiful. There is some amber on the sugar leaves. I'd let it go a week or two. When the buds get just a little amber, is when I chop. You can let it go longer. Keep up the nice work.
  5. warble

    My plant is in ICU come say ur goodbyes..

    That and chop the burnt tips off and treat it like a clone. Chopping the tips could allow new growth above and below in the root zone.
  6. warble

    Is this calcium or mag def?

    They sure look frosty. PH going in might be low if your runoff is 5.4. But it seems close enough to not be the cause. Seven times a day? If it is rot, then maybe back off on the watering. Less could end you up with more. From this chart it looks like phosphorous or iron def. Could be a lock out...
  7. warble

    Calcium or magnesium deficiancy? But why?

    Yeah, that is pretty high ppms. I would do less than half the nutes you're feeding. Your plants look okay though. When I have overfed, I got some tip burn. I don't see that as much on your plants. I totally underfeed. So you might not need to do what I do. I use mycos too, but I prep the soil...
  8. warble

    Calcium or magnesium deficiancy? But why?

    Cal-mag doesn't really expire if it is kept cool. Looks like PH problem. Nitrogen is not getting to the leaves either. I would flush next watering and test the runoff and document to see trends. Adjust PH slowly each watering, to get the runoff to be closer to where you want.
  9. warble


    For root growth, let it dry out and water around the edges. The roots will try to reach the moisture. How close are your lights?
  10. warble

    Dwc questions

  11. warble

    Dwc questions

    I'm thinking this can be a learning opportunity. Potting soil in a solo cup could help give more of a margin of error. If you still want to do a DWC after the seedling pops some branches, take a cutting and do that deep water culture. I had a quite a bit of success cloning some ACDC cuttings...
  12. warble

    Seed VS Clone Outdoor Experiment.

    I say have some fun. Experiment and enjoy. What ever information you get will benefit someone or nobody. If you're having fun, keep on keeping on.
  13. warble

    First grow, possible problem. Please help if you can.

    I am going to take a stab at this by saying perhaps the lights are too close. (LED bleaching) Back the light off to around twenty to twenty-five inches away from the top of your canopy. If you are misting, try to mist them twenty minutes before lights on.
  14. warble

    Possible phosphorus and calcium deficiency

    Thank you for the heads up.
  15. warble

    Possible phosphorus and calcium deficiency

    Doesn't sound too cold to me. I don't claim to be some great grower, but that does look like a cal-mag def. Perhaps some epsom salt (I'd go 1/2 tsp per gallon to start, should do the trick.)and worm castings tea . Like I said, I'm not getting a bunch of weight from my plants, I just clone more...
  16. warble

    Is it a hermie?

    Looks like balls.
  17. warble

    Leaf diagnosis?

    I hope this helps. Probably the Nitrogen def, as long as you have addressed the cal-mag def. Worm castings should have addressed the Nitrogen def, but if your ph is locking it out, that could be the culprit.
  18. warble

    Leaf diagnosis?

    I'd feed that cat vegan food for now on. You could repot that plant, but you're gonna get some shock. It looks established enough to survive. Bag seed is not the greatest to start out with. How did this seed come into existence? Random pollination, from grower, or hermaphrodite plant? Might work...
  19. warble

    What does this look like?

    I would also suggest chopping the dead stuff and the tips of the other full leaves.
  20. warble

    What does this look like?

    They look dry. Are they domed?