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  1. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    The induction bulb fro Hydrohut is dual-spectrum, I haven't seen that in similar looking induction bulbs elsewhere. I tried one (didn't receive the cover piece), but used it in an overhead fixture without surge didn't last long. I did get my money back, and I supplemented my...
  2. Viagro

    Blue mystic/ Fast bud(auto)/IL Diavolo(auto)

    I grow organically, so I depend on molasses and seaweed and epsom salts, etc. Green sand and rock phosphate and eggshells, too. I read one thread about using African violet nutes. One thing you might try for cheap bloom nutes. BM is a heavy feeder they say, I don't know.
  3. Viagro

    Lighthouse Blackstar 240w LED.... Any good?

    Lumigrow has an adjustment dial.
  4. Viagro

    Blue mystic/ Fast bud(auto)/IL Diavolo(auto)

    I was on a 24/0 light schedule with my Speed Devil. I didn't pay much attention to my scraggly Blue Mystic until it got over its funk and got it in gear. Once it was growing well, I tied her down and went to 12/12. Preflowers indicated female, early on...but it did seem a little slow getting...
  5. Viagro

    Blue mystic/ Fast bud(auto)/IL Diavolo(auto)

    Sometimes people are reluctant to post on journals. This can be a chronicle of your grow, while you could start a thread elsewhere for feedback. I'm interested in how it goes...I grew FB and am into a fast flowering Blue Mystic and Speed Devil 2 grow. My FB was a fine plant til I scorched...
  6. Viagro

    Rookie Canna and Coco Grow. Lsd & Blue Mystic Led Style!

    So here I've been combing the archives for Blue Mystic grows, 'cause that's the monster in a full tilt flower explosion in my Secret Jardin. It overtook my Speed Devil2 and is leaving it in the dust. This plant is out of control and I'm just winging it with nutes and my dubious green thumb...
  7. Viagro

    Hey there Sr. Doom. Just caught your message, good to hear from you. I was hoping things were...

    Hey there Sr. Doom. Just caught your message, good to hear from you. I was hoping things were good, but you faded into the woodwork a bit and I wondered what was up. I'll check your new grow. Thanks for the shout. I'm still plugging away with 30w of Kessil power. It's all good, I'm amazed...
  8. Viagro


    Talk to Surfhead, he has a lot of experience with Green-o-matics.
  9. Viagro

    Indoor LED Grow 2011

    Is that Chameleon an induction lamp? What did it cost?
  10. Viagro

    fu#king scarey shit went down

    Rough stuff, man. Glad you're ok.
  11. Viagro

    Indoor LED Grow 2011

    I have a Kessil and a Blackstar, and I'm looking at a ProGrow panel at It has a selective switch feature that is very nice. LEDs work. Check out ChronicDoom's journal for evidence.
  12. Viagro

    Lighthouse Blackstar 240w LED.... Any good?

    When I ordered from Gotham, online, beside the cc# window it read (stored). That's pretty clear. You are the one misinforming. edit: I don't know if it has been changed, but my info was accurate at the time.
  13. Viagro

    WOW Riddle has a question???

    Yeah, Mike at Mandala Seeds doesn't know what he's talking about...he's just a master grower and well-respected breeder. Sheesh.
  14. Viagro

    WOW Riddle has a question???

    Can I flush on soil? You should avoid watering more than normal and having a lot of run-off in soil grows. Heavy watering or flushing/rinsing the soil can cause bud mold (run-off also washes out nutrients). Instead, give the plants their daily requirements and water at the start of the light...
  15. Viagro

    My Papaver

    They need light to germinate, don't bury the seeds or try to germ in darkness.
  16. Viagro

    Chewing Stems

    I understand what you say, but I can't deny the history of hash eating and what I've personally experienced. You made claims that denied the full facts...that's equal to an untruth. edit: I'm not interested in your grow.
  17. Viagro

    Chewing Stems

    If you'd ever tried hash alone, you wouldn't claim it won't work, or just barely work. Fat or alcohol might make for optimal absorption, but to say hash is wasted when eaten alone is simply misleading and untrue. It still will work quite well. I have eaten it on an empty stomach, you try...
  18. Viagro

    Chewing Stems

    Eat a gram of hash alone, then you can speak from experience. Ever hear of that? I can guarantee it works without fat, milk, alcohol...or anything else.
  19. Viagro

    Chewing Stems

    People have been eating hash since time began.
  20. Viagro

    Stealth Desk growin 007 style

    Which plant isn't showing sex? That's good to know about Gladiator, but I get a better deal where I trade. And, so far, I've had good customer service. edit: Quite the video.:clap: