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  1. undertheice

    london and the teaparty

    the simple fact is that not everyone deserves a good life, that is something we strive for. it isn't simply handed out because you are willing to show up for work. everyone deserves the possibility of a good life. we all deserve to have our basic human rights protected and to be allowed to...
  2. undertheice

    london and the teaparty

    welcome to the world of the entitlement mentality. this is the attitude on which we have built all of our false expectations and a middle class of unthinking drones. who in their right mind would expect to be able own a home, raise a family and accrue all the little perks of success simply...
  3. undertheice

    my challenge to the right wing ideologies

    the new breed isn't quite as much fun though. it seems to consist almost entirely of cut and paste insult artists and pseudo-intellectuals who believe that all the world's wisdom can be found in the collected works of their last professor.
  4. undertheice

    Mt. Debtmore

    hypotheticals? there's nothing hypothetical about the herd mentality and blind obedience that lies down your chosen path. take a look at your own post and you can see the sycophantic nature of your reverence for our leaders. according to you, it takes a great deal of time and work to create...
  5. undertheice

    Mt. Debtmore

    at what cost? the authoritarian statist crap has been stacking up pretty high around here lately and not once have any of you considered the price we pay for being led by the nose to do what some consider to be right. what you hand us are excuses and the occasional silver lining behind the...
  6. undertheice

    New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    it would have been difficult to take those words out of context, as this is a theme that runs throughout most every post you have made, that us poor simple folk simply don't understand. this is, in fact, one of the pillars of the statist's philosophy, that the people must be forced to do what...
  7. undertheice

    New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    now where have i heard this sort of thing before?
  8. undertheice

    Mt. Debtmore

    as much as i cringe at russian rhetoric, he does have a point. for decades the u.s. has been a driving force behind world-wide industry and advancement and we now find ourselves being regulated into obscurity and dependence. like lemmings, we are following the wave of populist mediocrity. we...
  9. undertheice

    Ron Paul on Budget Control Act and "Super Congress"

    of course it was. we need to constantly increase the size of government in order to further restrict the actions of the people and make them toe the line, then increase it some more to deal with all the folks disenfranchised by government's previous actions. this is the way we build utopia...
  10. undertheice

    New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    nah, i've tired of rolling in the mud. after all, the pig has the distinct advantage.
  11. undertheice

    New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    of course they don't care. it's another chance to blame the private sector for the loss of jobs and the downward spiral of our economy. it is, after all, big business that is to blame for everything. isn't it? more deflection. as long as they can keep blaming baby bush for every problem...
  12. undertheice

    New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    never on the thin ice of the populists' scenarios, but beneath the cool, clear layers of a frozen spring. i find it only prudent to keep some protection between my world and the clamoring statists, socialists and redistributionists. i want a buffer of some kind each time their schemes come...
  13. undertheice

    Mt. Debtmore

    oh, but we'll have no end of whining that we didn't increase our debt load enough and that the only way to climb out of a hole is to keep digging deeper. eventually i suppose we'll come out on the other side, unless the flat earthers are right. the next alteration to the monument you've...
  14. undertheice

    New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    nah, it's all just shits and giggles. what else is one to do on a morning off but jump on-line and have a battle of wits with the completely unarmed?
  15. undertheice

    New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    more deflection? thank you for repeatedly making my point for me. i often wish i didn't have to type all this down but could merely record it all, so the less quick witted among us could more easily understand. i realize that the monosyllabic grunts of the populist horde and cut and paste...
  16. undertheice

    New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    deflect, deflect, deflect. this isn't about light bulbs or baby bush's part in their demise or technology in general, but you already knew that. it's about the scams, mandates and schemes that are a direct result of the agw hype. it's about yet another avenue for government elitists to...
  17. undertheice

    New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    another excellent example of statist philosophy. as long as some silver lining can be found, no matter how distant or illusory, a case can be made for even the most flagrant abuse of governmental force. the ends can always be made to justify any means.
  18. undertheice

    New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    in a rather typical response to an objection to governmental intrusion, we have here the simplistic answer almost invariably offered by the statist. of course we have laws forbidding all sorts of actions that are detrimental to society, but we don't have those laws to keep people from doing the...
  19. undertheice

    Obama can cite the 14th Amendment of the Constitution

    isn't this always the way. some schmuck claims to agree with all the freedoms of a libertarian point of view, but bitches about the responsibilities and the necessary pains involved in maintaining those freedoms. perhaps you can figure out a way to excise the greed from humanity and create...
  20. undertheice

    New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    but those are people who can just be ignored. folks like buck only believe the official truth handed down from their buddies in gubermint and similar organizations. bamm bamm and his horse-faced harridan of a wife say it's so, so it must be a fact. the liberal establishment declares that we...