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  1. indianajones

    COB spectral research microcab

    not 100% sure of the Vf on your cobs at 1.4A but the HLG-185-C1400 by meanwell puts out 143V. not that spendy for the wattage either, ~.39 cents a watt for mine shipped, 93% on 115v, 94% on higher voltage lines.
  2. indianajones

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    the outer dimensions of the shell are 25.75x12.5x4.75 supra, i use an IR thermometer. ambient temp is 20-21C. the LES itself is usually only ~70-75C after two hours. when i measure the Tc point lights on, 30-33C. i may try measuring Vf, but i am thinking of picking up a bench power supply for...
  3. indianajones

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    my vero 29 runs at 30c at the Tc measurement point indicated in the PDF when running at 1880mA. is that normal for an alpine 11 plus or am i interpreting the data wrong and it is coming out extremely low? i am over driving the fan, using 500mA instead of 300mA, which is 66% overdrive, but i...
  4. indianajones

    Cococola's "Don't call it a comeback" thread

    lookin' really nice bro!
  5. indianajones

    Opinions on emitters please

    you also can't talk about the efficiency of emitters unless you're discussing the drivers running them. if you're looking to run at ~360w, check out two of the hlg 185H-c, 94% efficient at full load if you're running 220v power. figure in all the costs for all the wattage losses and the...
  6. indianajones

    Quad CXA3070 with Hurkel & Sunshine Daydream

    gives you a good idea of the real spread of the light though.
  7. indianajones

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    now the fun begins that's 20 of the 24 4k vero 18s. the other 4 are taped to the other side. and the floodlight i have ordered
  8. indianajones

    XGS-190, RW-150, DIY 6-CXA

    when you're comparing the cost of a reusable plastic pot to a throwaway fabric container like the root-trapperII, the long term cost of replacing the fabric bags outweighs the short term lower investment to me. while i like higher capacity containers, it means i have to mix more medium as...
  9. indianajones

    XGS-190, RW-150, DIY 6-CXA

    garden looks awesome bro, congrats on your latest pull. you should check out root makers pots if you like air pruning. same thing as a smart pot but injection molded plastic and they don't lose medium like those air pots. they come...
  10. indianajones

    Hydro Grow LEDs Sol 4 SCRoG

    those look pretty chunky, good job! nice to see the cob tech is solid enough to grow, even with monochromes. what are your plans with this light?
  11. indianajones

    Hyroot's Garden

    just remember, what you say could come back as backlash against her. you never know when he's secretly abusive or some other bullshit like that. it's a lot easier to catch a fly with sugar than salt. if he figures out you grow, it could also mean compliance checks and other shit you don't...
  12. indianajones

    Hyroot's Garden

    jesus, when are you guys gonna stop growing schwag... o_O the cartels are gonna be mad, y'all steppin' on their game! but really though, shit looks fire bro. sucks about the calcium problem, ever tried soaking eggshells in vinegar? my mom was having problems with blossom end rot on her tomatoes...
  13. indianajones

    DIY LED Grow Light Vero 18 (Economy light)

    my heart goes out to your family, i know that can be a difficult situation to deal with. hopefully some of these awesome lookin' meds can brighten their days when you finish up.
  14. indianajones

    Area 51 xgs 190 Exodus Cheese Grow

    everything looks great! i was more concerned with making sure you knew proper technique for a scrog than criticizing. :) obviously you're onto something here, super low PPM and that degree of health is a really good sign!
  15. indianajones

    Another Cree CXA3070 DIY Thread

    If you want to run 35w emittance per square foot, you would use 16 cxa 3070 at 52w
  16. indianajones

    Another Cree CXA3070 DIY Thread

    5x5 with 9 cxas would mean each cxa occupies a 20"x20" space.
  17. indianajones

    Cococola's "Don't call it a comeback" thread

    trying to keep light color definitions straight in this instance seems to be difficult lol. that is because definitions seem to vary depending on source, but in my physics classes, we considered anything over 700nm infrared. when you wiki "red" it lists red as 620-740nm. far-red is listed as...
  18. indianajones

    2 month old Blue O.G. Armoire Grow

    Our Blue moonshine is in my top 5 ever.
  19. indianajones

    Ralphsters? to trust or not to trust?

    nothing special, just micro pore tape over the holes in the handle and a ceiling fan on low.