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  1. psychedelicdaddi

    -boring 'ol 230w 154lm/w led strip build

    Think hes gone and not coming back. 2" width 1/2" leg 8' length
  2. psychedelicdaddi

    Help me pi pls k thx

    This sucker should be great. Using Bc557b pnp transistors to drive the 5v with 3.3v Link to relay controller use. I'm just using pnp transistors because I have plenty. Timer program ill be working with but changing IOs...
  3. psychedelicdaddi

    Help me pi pls k thx

    Hi, so I'm following a pi tutorial on remote viewing a pi camera. Its using the IP address of the pi with the port of the camera embedded in an html doc that opens when the pi is attempted to be accessed. Anyway, I can get the pi remotely viewed and the document opened but clearly my html isn't...
  4. psychedelicdaddi

    a mediocre shroom garden thread

    You could do what fisher is doing and do minitubs in a larger sgfc. Or devote a room and add a humidifier. Preferably you'd have hard flooring and not carpet for the latter.
  5. psychedelicdaddi

    a mediocre shroom garden thread

    Should be ok to birth. If you're mixing into more sub, just leave the uncolonized sections to be mixed in. If you're fruiting the rye berries as is, then cut the uncolonized off.
  6. psychedelicdaddi

    Blumats and soil advice.

    So, safe to say I should hang around for a few days to see if the emitters are on par? Ha ok cool, thanks. Should I stake one into the bottom-side region like pictured in their adds? Can this be done with hard pots?
  7. psychedelicdaddi

    Blumats and soil advice.

    Hey, I bought a 12pk of Blumats to use on some potted plants. I have 7gal fabric pots and 5gal pail type pots. Soil. Advice? Tips from experience? Waste of money? Ok great.
  8. psychedelicdaddi

    Vertical growing with lm651c and UV, FR & PR in organic soil

    Creme bubbly, nice bunch of these colas. Overall, great smelling strain, big yield. Very chem smelling. It must have grown 75 days.
  9. psychedelicdaddi

    Opinions on green and cyan with whites

    Oh jeez that's a better direction isn't it? Mixing whites... I may have to redirect to 5600k of these as the supplemental smd's or strips
  10. psychedelicdaddi

    Opinions on green and cyan with whites

    Very nice light mix, ill look out for this stretch effect. I do think it will be ok since the sunshine spectrum is so heavily green. Ill look into the green hps issue, I haven't heard of it. Only been growing indoors for two-three years now
  11. psychedelicdaddi

    Opinions on green and cyan with whites

    A ton of the sunshine is green according to wikipedias spectrum plot. It could act as a carrier frequency for other wavelengths. Doesn't hps have a bunch of green?
  12. psychedelicdaddi

    Opinions on green and cyan with whites

    Good point but if does make for a more even harvest it'd be worth knowing! And since I don't trim for shit .... Mind as well. 30$ & 30w in parts
  13. psychedelicdaddi

    Opinions on green and cyan with whites

    Im hoping that penetration helps lower growth develope faster so I get a more even harvest quality. It will hopefully be obvious if it works. Having it on a switch will be nice though. It could just be a night light in the end
  14. psychedelicdaddi

    Opinions on green and cyan with whites

    So, I actually am adding various spectrums as options. I currently have far and photo red options, uva 365-405nm options, and mostly Samsung 3000k/4000k . I am adding 420nm , 500nm, 520nm and full spectrums to stretch the ir out to 840nm Each spectrum, not wavelength, gets a switch and timer
  15. psychedelicdaddi

    winterizing bho with acetone

    Im diving into everclear washes now, does acetone have a better taste profile? Live etho I made is gold-fire and tasty but the plant is still smelly.
  16. psychedelicdaddi

    Opinions on green and cyan with whites

    Lol I have not Im actually questioning the lack of green/cyan emitted by white led. NASA is saying they rec green to improve lower canopy development. Circa 2016 I think.
  17. psychedelicdaddi

    Opinions on green and cyan with whites

    Cree 470nm and 500nm mixed w/ lm561c 3000k & 4000k Any thoughts?