I print from first flush because I assume it's the healthiest/ cleanest. Might not matter. I tend to get better first flushes. I also pick and entire flush at once to avoid handling the cake. Cut off aborts too. I rinse off the vermiculite from the cake under tap water and then soak in tap water...
Are thesevthe ones you didn't case? Usually a week to two. It definitely varies on how much fanning and misting I do. Warmer temps of 78-85F and frequently fanning misting pins best. Like 7 times a day and the dialing it back after a week
those jars you have pictured are looking great btw. They look really vigorous
city farmers market mushrooms would be a cool weekend gig. thinking about spawn bags/jars? bulk? i remember people saying that they would blend up their dry straw in a food processor and make BRF style spawn bags. I...
Sampled from the lowest oldest leaf receiving light, I checked my brix for a preflowering autoflower to be 9. I wonder if it changes towards flowering finish. Bud vs leaf would be interesting.
Yea its just brf with azomite otherwise. Im adding avtivated carbon to a molasses, FPE and fish amino tea for some crop too. Seeing what it does down the road. It's like black water, no foam though... Odd