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  1. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    After 5 and a half weeks, these are just some plants among all. Some are meatier, others are more sugary, but generally good looking. I have cuts of all of them, this time all of them rooted. Cheers
  2. Ailalelo

    Red Snake (Oaxaca '79 x Colombian Punto Rojo)

    These are a couple of Red Snakes 6 weeks after flip. Slow and tall (1.5 meter including the 3l pot) but very aromatic. I love the very characteristic cedar smell, I guess Punto Rojo influences a lot the structure of the plant and also both the flavor and effect of the finished bud. I have a...
  3. Ailalelo

    Red Snake (Oaxaca '79 x Colombian Punto Rojo)

    This male is already outdoors and resisting quite well the bad weather. Cheers
  4. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    Well, it looks like the seeding production activities I performed during the last months were generally productive. The seeds in the jar are genetically 75% Mextiza and the other 25% comes from a great wild Mexican sativa brought by a sailor. I guess they will be slower than original Mextiza...
  5. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    This is the Thai Angola clone after one month of outdoors flowering. It is evolving much better than I thought, in fact I had problems with this cut indoors and I never could flower it properly. It comes from an special edition from ACE seeds, IIRC. Extremely thin leaves, it is branchy and leafy...
  6. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    These are some Taskentis I keep in the flowering tent. They've been there for 4 weeks. I'm happy because the structure of the plants is very similar to the one of the cut. I keep cuts of all the females, so it will be a nice step forward. And this one has been flowering for 7 weeks...
  7. Ailalelo

    Red Snake (Oaxaca '79 x Colombian Punto Rojo)

    I've got a couple of Red Snake 3 weeks into flower. They stretched a lot but now they're growing flowers. Cheers
  8. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    Bella Mextiza. Lovely. Tomorrow they make 7 weeks at 12/12. Still growing lots of flowers and meaty buds. And this is the Marinheira Mextiza full of seeds. Another couple of weeks to harvest. Cheers
  9. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    Some Taskentis. These are the last I put into flower, roughly two weeks ago. Already packing flowers. This one is from the last seeds batch. Nice color and resin. Cheers
  10. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    These beauties are the Bella Mextiza. 6 weeks of 12/12 only! I guess they'll be done in 8 weeks, and the effect will be better if I don't leave them to overripe. I put these pictures so you can get an impression on how airy the buds are, and you can also note the general look of the plant...
  11. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    One of the Bella Mextiza inherited the intense orange pistils of the Mextiza, but just this one. All the plants are very tall, even the ones that I topped. I put them in flower when they were 40-50 cm tall and they have tripled since, so I'll have to find a better way to manage them in the next...
  12. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    I've got a couple of Taskenti from the last run that are getting done. These aren't the ones I selected, but they are still good. They produce a lot of rock hard bud, and their resin smells earthy even when the plants are very subtle in aromas. Nothing to do with the stinky modern hybrids...
  13. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    This cat loves the heat and the light of the tent. Also likes eating some leaves. I've just taken cuts of 9 of the 10 females, I didn't take cuts of one that wasn't bushy enough, and I've culled the males. Cheers
  14. Ailalelo

    Red Snake (Oaxaca '79 x Colombian Punto Rojo)

    I was lucky to get some seeds from this strain a couple of years ago. The people that made them didn't offer them through the seedbank they used to work for (Cannabiogen), but fortunately some seeds were running around. I planted about a dozen and selected males and females, and I made a bunch...
  15. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    I've got some new pics. This is the Mexican Marinheira x Mextiza, after being pollinated with a Mextiza male. I believe this cross will be very interesting. There will be a lot of seeds, a managed to pollinate the whole plant with just a jar of frozen pollen. It will make 11 weeks in a couple...
  16. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    I've been watering the Bella x Mextiza. The seeds are growing very well. But this is a thing I didn't notice two days ago. I found flowers growing in the leaves, just at the beginning of the leafstalk. The only time I found a similar growth it was around 20 years ago, in a Northern Lights...
  17. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    Believe it or not, these are the gorgeous Bella x Mextiza F1 after just 28 days (4 weeks!) of 12/12. I love them, but they are extremely tall. They are going to be the bomb outdoors, but for indoors they grow too much. There is already a lot of sugar in the buds, and pollination was a success...
  18. Ailalelo

    Quitting for a while to reduce very high tolerance

    I believe that if you exercise vigorously every day (like 1 hour of mild physical work or half an hour running, like 5 km) you aren't going to feel any of the symptoms of withdrawal. Some people does fell terrible after quitting joints, but I believe it is because of a different pathology that...
  19. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    There they are. 16 plants sorted by the male they come from. I can take very good conclusions after that grow. I put them in 3l pots today and in a week I'll put them to flower, after taking cuts. Cheers
  20. Ailalelo

    Jack Herer Breeders

    Yes. I planted more than a dozen of their strains 6 or 7 years ago and each and every one was a shit.