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  1. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    7 weeks ago I planted a lot of seeds I made with the TT GZ cut and several males from the 2005 run. There are plenty of them, and I believe some will be kept. The first weeks are boring, but they will start to grow faster now. Dark and wide leaves, and very short internodes. And these...
  2. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    I didn't smoke many Red Snakes because I started with few seeds, but both Red Snake and Mextiza are very tasty and quite similar. If I had to point the differences between them, I believe Mextiza is stronger and faster, but Red Snake feelings are more sativish, so she's milder in effect but...
  3. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    These are just some (Thai Angola) x Mextiza, there are 16 and all of them are similar. After years crossing my Mextizas with different sativas, I guess this cross will be tasty, energetic and reasonably fast, but there are hidden surprises in genetic experiments like this one and you never...
  4. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    I don't manicure before harvest, but I removed some fan leaves to have a better look of the buds. These are plants from the 2008 seeds F2, and they make big hard buds. I didn't want to wait more for the harvest, maybe a week more would be nice but I've got a lot of breeding work ahead...
  5. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    Today I harvested the Black Dominas that spent that last days indoor. I decided to wait a week more for the Taskentis, but some could be harvested as well. That's what the Taskentis look like: They are tall and productive, and they have a lot of resin. There is one, the one with four...
  6. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    These are the plants I made crossing a Mextiza male with a Thai Angola female. They look different: There are just 16 of them, I didn't want to have too many. I put them on the ground 5 weeks ago exactly. I plan to flower them as soon as possible, to get rid of the males and make a general...
  7. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    New generation of Taskenti. These were made with the selected TT GZ female from 2008 and several males from 2005 and I planted the seeds 5 weeks ago. I'll put them in 1l pots today. There are quite a lot, 27 iirc, and they look quite healthy with their broad and dark leaves. These will need a...
  8. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    What do you mean by the range? They are ready in 8-10 weeks indoors, and I've harvested them the first week of October in good weather years. Supposedly, the slower specimens are stronger and they can produce more. Nobody but me is offering these seeds. They are unique. If you read the first...
  9. Ailalelo

    Black Domina '98

    Finally I had to place the plants indoors. I hated to turn on the lights, fans, extraction... this shit is noisy and expensive. But it is raining several times a day and these indicas won't stand it. Anyway, it will be just a week. Cheers
  10. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    These plants are two Taskentis that were neglected and kept in just 1l pots. I am impressed that at that point they have produced that much. I believe the best harvest point for Taskentis is around the second week of October, but for what I see these could be taken before. Cheers
  11. Ailalelo

    Black Domina '98

    Yes it is. It didn't advance much and I used just some neem and soap. The Black Dominas resisted quite better the PM than a Jack Herer (this one needed repeated treatments) The year was specially wet, and it is Botrytis that worries me the most. Cheers
  12. Ailalelo

    Black Domina '98

    Of course I keep a cut! It is a very famous one, and very good.
  13. Ailalelo

    Black Domina '98

    It is a clone I got some years ago from a friend. It mixes the best of the essence of the Indica Afghani plants we would imagine: sweet hashy musky scented buds and a very relaxing effect. Nice taste, nice hard buds. It is ready in 8 or 9 weeks indoors and although they produce a reduced volume...
  14. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    These Taskenti outdoors have been developing properly these days, but it's been announced a lot of water and bad weather for the next days, so I'll probably place them indoors. A single cola plant: And this one split in four: I guess that if I could enjoy a nice dry southern-spanish...
  15. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    This one is a F2 from the 2008 seeds. I like very much their wild hashplant bud structure. This is the nicest breeding material, these are the plants that better show that special strong body effect. The taste of the finished bud is strong, harsh, even aggressive. But not in the usual way the...
  16. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    I live in a place with a very wet coastal weather. I usually don't grow indicas outdoors here, but this year I put some Taskenti and Black Domina in the terrace. I don't know if I can avoid bud rotting, but I'll try. I might have to finish them indoors. Anyway, after a terrible summer with...
  17. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    I've planted some of the Mextiza Thai. I believe the effect is going to be very good on these, and I can forecast they will be quite fast and strong plants. There are 16 of them, I'll cull the males as soon as I can and flower the females without taking clones. It will be just a test grow to...
  18. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    August is a nice month to start seeds. Temperature is good and plants can be grown using just solar light for over a month. Last batch I selected between the plants made with my Taskenti keeper and different males from 2012 line. I keep two nice females. Now I planted 30 seeds made with my...
  19. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    I found 5 males in the last batch I planted in the last week of March, they started flowering last week. These are the Taskenti F2 from 2008. They are more than a meter high but I cut their upper half two weeks ago because I couldn't allow them to overgrow the fence of my terrace. Also, they...
  20. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    Now it's been a month since curing started, so I've started to make selections between the Taskenti females I had. These come from the 2012 males and some plants carry the lemony scent I remember from them. There are subtle differences between them, but selection is difficult and takes time...