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  1. bryangtho

    Stinky strains

    Had these seeds for about a year now just siting in frig going to give them a try
  2. bryangtho

    **Advice for clone selection**

    I find that most clones are very easy to clone. I was using a turbo cloner but find it was to easy to make a mistake. But all I do now is I dip the clone strait in to clonex and than in to coco. I have find its the best way I have done about 60 clones this way with %100 success
  3. bryangtho

    DON'T Post Pictures with a HPS or LED on! Please ...turn them OFF for pics!

    Here's 1 of my girl's under a 1150 watts Gavita. As this is my first grow with them I always used 600 hps up till now. I don't think the buds are any better on top but underneath is were you really see the different. Hoping for 3 lbs off it
  4. bryangtho

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    I will do that
  5. bryangtho

    Just finished sealing up the garage. (Pics)

    Yes have to give credit when credit due looking great. Will probably pull mine in the next week
  6. bryangtho

    Just finished sealing up the garage. (Pics)

    Wow they are coming along very nice
  7. bryangtho

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Hey there ruby its been while now. I was given a new clone from a mate 10 days ago. Its a cross from THC Bomb and TGA Space dawg. I was tolled that its a very fast grower and its producers huge buds. But its never been grown under descent lights before so really don't no the full potential of it
  8. bryangtho

    Clone only strains

    I was given a new strain about a week haft ago. Which a mate bred. Its cross with a THC Bomb and TGA Space dawg. One of my mates will not even grow it because of the smell. I was tolled that its a very fast at growing plant and that it produces huge buds. And that you can smell it from a mile...
  9. bryangtho

    Wicked's 3 Incredible Bulks Under Dual P450 LEDs

    I have grown a few bulk. I find them to be a very slow plant in veg. But in saying that I had 3 of them and pulled 6 lbs of them
  10. bryangtho

    Went from T5s to HPS for veg

    Yes they are my fastest ones I have. The room size is 10x5x7 and in 50 litre pots
  11. bryangtho

    Went from T5s to HPS for veg

    Hi Sam these ones are under 3x600 hps and in coco in my veg room. They are now 2.4 weeks they are my fastest clones I have. And will finish them off with 6 de gavite. And still have 1.3 weeks to go before I put them in my flowering room. They will go 2 and half each
  12. bryangtho

    100 lbs Dreams

    Well done great grow
  13. bryangtho

    Heat control using Gavita de lights

    I run 6 de gavita pro with a gavita controller with no ac at all. All I use is 4 large fans with the 4 of them running they are just over 5000 cfm. Just had some very hot days over here and the room ran pretty good it got to 86. The day temp was 100 and the night temp was 70 so was pretty happy...
  14. bryangtho

    Is it useless or not?

    Yes I think a lot of growers are more concerned about the temp of what there room get to when the lights come on. And not what it gets down to when the lights are out its very imported to keep the room above 64
  15. bryangtho

    Propane or Electric Heater???

    That would be fine if you were in flowering but what about veg. You would want to be running dehumidifier though veg
  16. bryangtho

    Coco coir plant pot sizes

    Should go 10 lbs. You will get away with one feed when the plants are small. But once the plants get bigger you will need to feed them more then once a day
  17. bryangtho

    Am I asking too much out of this gavita?

    I think you will need more lights and you should of had the netting already on them. I put the netting on as soon as the plant is 6 inch above the pot and start training them strait away. These ones are under one 1150watts gavita pre plant
  18. bryangtho

    Coco coir plant pot sizes

    I have been growing in strait coco for over 15 years and I use a 50 litre pot. I veg for 4to5 weeks these ones are on 3 feeds a day. They are 5.2 weeks in to flowering I would go with a bigger pot and less of them
  19. bryangtho

    Just finished sealing up the garage. (Pics)

    They are a great machine it just makes it so mush faster. If it takes you 4 hours to do one plant by hand you can do it in one hour with the trimpro easy
  20. bryangtho

    Just finished sealing up the garage. (Pics)

    I have a trim pro they are really good