Search results

  1. May11th

    The correct way to make an actively aerated compost tea AACT

    I just use it for thr carbohydrates not the nutes , but useful info, I use that gal up within 1 months time and havent had it spoil yet. Maybe yours sat out too long even before you bought it? Ive ran 15 gals and havent had a issue? Thats something I havent read about but hell now I need to...
  2. May11th

    how to make a rhizotonic and hygrozyme?

    Good info guys. Thanks hyroot, everyone needs to learn about these things.
  3. May11th

    how to make a rhizotonic and hygrozyme?

    Well hell yes spicy. I was wondering about kelp when they mentioned algae, I believe cannas a good company , im sure it works but the prices of some stuff is out of hand. Thats why id like to make my own. So seed sprout Teas help w decaying and developing roots? Whats the benefit from sst and...
  4. May11th

    Is this a good regime?

    How many plants you plan to grow? I know where you can geg amendments cheap and are good . Organically done is the brand, local to michigan. 5 main things to add to roots organic soil which I would use over ff, ff likes to throw in bark imo. Earthworm castings Greensand Kelp MykoRhiza Bat quano
  5. May11th

    how to make a rhizotonic and hygrozyme?

    I was thinking its a root fungi or something. No one really says what it is or came from just what it does and they are good products and I love healthy roots so maybe someone can chime in and we can learn some new stuff. Learning is always fun anyhow.
  6. May11th

    THIS is why I grow my own organic meds...

    Scary. Thanks for this. Ill share this w friends.
  7. May11th

    how to make a rhizotonic and hygrozyme?

    Is it possible to do so, I believe in these products. Thanks guys.
  8. May11th

    kerosene heater in g-room?

    Let us know . How big of a area are you needing to heat? Propane in about a buck per lb. I dont know how long your kerosene heater last but the fumes are no good.
  9. May11th

    Is this a good regime?

    I would also recommend building a warm farm. About $100 bucks will set you up w a lil station and youll save a ton and you feed them table scraps, preferably no meat but use the meat to make bokashi and you got a complete system. My shop looks like a laboratory with all my experiments lol
  10. May11th

    Is this a good regime?

    Can you make your own? Way better than ffof, super soil blows away ffof and tbh its ffof is good out of the bag but the price is steep conpared to homeade . I made about 100 gallons of soil thats about 13 cf of soil for about 7 bucks per cf. My plants are growing the best they ever had in this...
  11. May11th

    1000w 4x4 tent multi-strain perpetual grow

    You never grew out the carmelo? Whaaaa lol
  12. May11th

    Delicious Seeds

    day 54 c a r a m e l o. Won't show anymore pics till harvest lol. Batcave, your flowers look amazing, I want them phenos for sure.
  13. May11th

    May11ths thread of all sorts of nonsense

    Rock hard soda cans. Its about to get interesting. I can't wait. This is like a early xmas for me lol loving it. Big purp carmelo pheno 52 days, 5 gal unamended recycled soil. Kicking my balls all the way to this point.
  14. May11th

    Organic Cal-mag: coconut water.

    When using coco juice, its better to use a fresh coconut, when you buy the stuff in bottles its not as good, 1 coconut serves 25 gallons of water. The enzymes in the coco liquid is what im after. If you use as foliar spray use it all up this stuff goes rotten real quick. I love the stuff for...
  15. May11th

    LED Round #2 - Apollo8, T5HO, Coco

    Possible. Im just doing super soil now on w teas when needed. Keeps stuff simple and its proven . I like to take out as much guess work. I hate stressing ovee stuff and thus just makes one less thing to worry about and you can save a ton of money getting away from bottled nutes and see better...
  16. May11th

    1800 Watt 4x8 Tent.. How Many Plants?

    Ps I dont skimp on veg time, I go a full 2 months or even more. I train the plants refusely at a young age and try to get 10+ branches started before 12inches then I keep training but not as much and usually 2 months is plenty and the height isn't out of control actually, about 2 foot to 3...
  17. May11th

    1800 Watt 4x8 Tent.. How Many Plants?

    In a 4x8 area? Well I run 8 plants under 1 , 1000k hood in a 6x6 area. I would say 10 plants for your area would be good and you wont run out of room, temps wont be a issue with 1 fan running through lights, fresh air comkng in and 1 exhaust pulling air out then 1 oscillating fan on canopy and...
  18. May11th

    c99 pheno search

    Mycomaster on this site has some g13 labs that looks dank and he loves it so id look into that. Also kingdom of seeds maybe? I want some c99 so ill prob hit up g13 labs.
  19. May11th

    led in a 15x8 area

    Looks like I need a good harvest lol. I need to stay around 1800 watts so I dont piss of the gf, I just looked at them indagrows, pricey but I bet they kick ass, would everything you guys listed have good penetration, I can say the 1000 watt can penetrate a canopy well, I wouldnt mind trying all...
  20. May11th

    led in a 15x8 area

    Money isnt a issue. Just looking to buy good equipment. Thanks for the info do far guys