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  1. collective gardener

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Actually, there's very little smell. Besides the carbon filters scrubbing the exhaust air out of the building, we have 3 - 10" carbon filters scrubbing the air inside the bloom room. These just circulate about 3,000 cfm within the bloom room...scrubbing the air and exhausting it right back into...
  2. collective gardener

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    I don't know the cost breakdown...just the totals. We had to pay for the first 4 months lease and electricity, the materials for the build out, my labor, my helpers labor, and all of the grow equipment. The total cost was $80,000. One of the collective's members, a good friend of mine, loaned...
  3. collective gardener

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Here's some pics taken this morning. We'll be harvesting some of this next week through the week after. The room is basicall 2 - 8x8 tables, each lit by 4 - 1000 watt lights. There's 4 more 1000's in the bloom room that I put misc plants under. You'll see a 4x4 tray with 15 plants put into bloom...
  4. collective gardener

    6000 watt hydro CRAWL SPACE...close 2 done...someone show me another please

    Are you going to try and use 1000 watt lights in reflectors? What is the current distance between the joists and the top of the grow pipes?
  5. collective gardener

    Tahoe og or Pre 98 Bubba BX2

    I currently grow both of these. Mine are the clone only phenos available only through friends of friends. I don't know about the BX2, but we do grow the real deal Pre-98 Bubba. We also have Tahoe OG clone only, and Tahoe OG x Chemdog. The Bubba will outyield the Tahoe by a longshot. Both root in...
  6. collective gardener

    Help Me Pick A Strain

    Couldn't help but notice "quality" wasn't on your list of desired traits. If you just want huge yield, go with Casey Jones. Whatever strain you pick, be sure to buy PLENTY of seeds. The variation from seed to seed within strains is HUGE. For this reason, I refuse to start anything from seed...
  7. collective gardener

    6000 watt hydro CRAWL SPACE...close 2 done...someone show me another please

    Dude, friend, bro, buddy...I dig your zeal, but it ain't gonna work with 1000's. And definately not 6 of em. You may get 1 or 2 1000's in there with a few plants around them...but that's it. No real yield to be had from this settup. Maybe a row of vertical 400's down the middle and plants on...
  8. collective gardener

    6000 watt hydro CRAWL SPACE...close 2 done...someone show me another please

    If I'm reading it right he's trying to get 6 - 1000 watt lightd down there.
  9. collective gardener

    Generator Grow

    If you really have to use a generator, and plan on growing for any length of time, get a diesel generator. When I'm not in the grow, I own a marine service that works on ocean going boats. We work with diesel generators that are meant to run around the clock for weeks on end. The only reason to...
  10. collective gardener


    Ok. I think I see what you got going. Sounds like you got the right fix. Scary, eh?
  11. collective gardener

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    You guys gotta see this. Don't give this guy too much shit. He's tried hard, but didn't think it through:
  12. collective gardener

    6000 watt hydro CRAWL SPACE...close 2 done...someone show me another please

    Dirk, Big props for being creative and having the nuts to try something new. But, fuck, bro. Can you make this work with your height? I just can't see how you're gonna pull it off. If that's a 1000 watt light, you'll need to keep the plants at least 24" from it. I was thinking some kind of...
  13. collective gardener

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    You would see a difference...a big one...running 600's in the same area of your 400's. You're putting down 45 watts/sq ft. 600's would give you around 68 watts/sq ft. A 1000 for every 4 x 4 space will give you 62 watts/sq ft. I like it up around 60 watts per sq ft. The big question would be if...
  14. collective gardener


    HR, On the odor front...Negative pressure inside the grow is a MUST. Regardless of what you're doing for odor control, positive or equal pressure will result in odor leaks...every fucking time. I use no intake fans whatsoever. We have a sealed room inside of a warehouse. The warehouse has 2 -...
  15. collective gardener


    I noticed you mark your plants with colored zip ties. Me too! I zip the stalks of the mothers with large colored ties, and stab the small colored ties into the rockwool like you do. So cool that 2 peoplke came up with that on their own. I tried AN years ago, but stopped because I just don't...
  16. collective gardener

    Completely sealed grow room ventilation help.

    LMAO. Yeah...let me know if you find a way to cool down a grow op without A/C.
  17. collective gardener

    Completely sealed grow room ventilation help.

    Right on, brother. I wish you the best of luck. I'm sure you're going to have a very successful growing operation. Be sure to PM me a link of your pics when the plants go in. Also, feel free to PM me anytime if you get into a bind, or just want to vent. Ops this size can get very frustrating...
  18. collective gardener

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    I like the idea of 2 - 600's to replace 1 - 1000. If the CMH only come in 400's...well...that's that. The light spread is definately more even, but it is 20% less light. I think if it's a choice of 1 - 1000 or 2 - 400's, the 400's could make sense. BUT, given a choice of 4 - 1000's or 8 - 400's...
  19. collective gardener

    Completely sealed grow room ventilation help.

    I leave that one to you. I don't recycle water using rockwool. I also don't use ebb and flow with rockwool. I do all top feed drain to waste. You could do it with one res. The only problem is that you won't be able to use different nute solutions for the plant's different stages of growth in...
  20. collective gardener

    Prune and Top for Little to No Stress!

    Nice clear explanation of a topping technique. I'd say it shouldn't be in Advanced, though. Although, I think about 3/4 of the stuff in Advanced shouldn't be it could be me.