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  1. verny

    next many true men out there in riu?

    trust me....just toke and watch this!
  2. verny

    next many true men out there in riu?

    this guy brought my confidence back....just toke and watch it.
  3. verny

    next many true men out there in riu?

    crush a little dormicum....add 3 strong beers...and pump that vein with liquid black gold...and il be good to go.....fuck love.fuck nature,fuck women.i mean..well u know what i mean
  4. verny

    next many true men out there in riu? i feel like hitting the fucking needle tdy!fuck this man!......
  5. verny

    next many true men out there in riu?

    say anything kind elder of tribe this rambling toking fool.
  6. verny

    next many true men out there in riu?

    a little of your wit,and wisdom for me pls ...kind do i handle living on this earth plane all alone?.without a tribe?....without a goddess?
  7. verny

    next many true men out there in riu?

    say something dear wise elders of tribe riu.
  8. verny

    next many true men out there in riu?

    she sent me this song.......what was i to do?..
  9. verny

    next many true men out there in riu?

    strange....even after i toke....i still feel the comes in thru the thc i can sense it....what do i do?????????????????/
  10. verny

    next many true men out there in riu?

    dear fellow yodas..i just got dissed by the perfect "goddess".met her online.she was into yoga,has more than half a brain,and going to peru for a ayuhasca trip.i decided to be honest and....well.....linked her to my threads in riu,so she would better understand me. guess what.she doesnt think...
  11. verny

    What ever happened to @tytheguy111

    i googled it n got it bro!!!!i learn all languges
  12. verny

    An honest addictions post

    just dont read anything i write man...if it bugs u!..if im a little nuts...u aint got to read what i write?,ya!
  13. verny

    An honest addictions post

    ok...peace out bro....
  14. verny

    guys...ur thoughts?

    more things on heaven and earth me.
  15. verny

    An honest addictions post

    damn bro...what u got against me when all im doin is this song?
  16. verny

    An honest addictions post

    bro u spoiled my toke!!!!!!!
  17. verny

    An honest addictions post

    whatever it sorry man.....