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    seals on a closed loop system

    should the black gasket seals have anything applied to them when sealing up the system? right now im just using the gasket and the grease, silicon etc.....I dont believe I am supposed to use anything but figured I would ask as somewhat simple question here. thanks.
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    99.9% THCa

    that forum should be right up top imo.
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    5 Fingers Second Set of True Leaves

    im pretty sure that is extremely rare. make sure you post more pics!!!!
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    Azamax or other preventative insecticides

    Awesome info, thanks....this is exactly what I was planning on doing, mixing the two.
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    Filling Solvent Tank with Butane

    I would love if any of you know a place that fills these bulk with no cans....but, currently using a can tap into a closed loop solvent tank. How do I know when it is full? Ive weighed it empty and have that written down. I did a dry run the other day and learned that a few things needed to...
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    Which is the lesser of 2 evils for Harvest

    hmmmm, what if you put a big bag of rice in the room that was open....would that lower humidity?
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    Azamax or other preventative insecticides

    I currently use neem oil as a preventative. I was talking to a few cannabis nursuries that have popped up in northern california the other day and the two I was talking to used Azamax. Whats your opinion on Azamax and what else would or do you use? topic could help alot of us!!!
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    Which is the lesser of 2 evils for Harvest

    I googled it, you are correct. but those ARE ideal. I think you would be fine in your 77 degree room at 62% humidity. If you purchased a small window ac or in room ac it would also serve as ac and dehumidifier so that you could hit the goal %s you want. Just an idea!
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    Which is the lesser of 2 evils for Harvest

    is 77-83 too hot or cold? those seem like good temps to me....the humidity is the exact humidity % that I use, so what am I missing? honest question, not being an ass.
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    Temperature is too HIGH!

    Cheers for great advice.
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    Temperature is too HIGH!

    Lost 300 seedlings to heat .....then electrician installed a fan backwards in bloom room and it blew hot air into the bloom room for a week while we were on vacation (automated watering etc)....lost all but 23 plants in bloom room.....fuckin heat!!!!!!!!
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    A/c and room . Need help

    That looks awesome!
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    Racism in the work place what can you do?

    do u really care? if so, tell your supervisor? when your supervisor laughs...go tell his supervisor....and then when they all do nothing, go to the labor board and they will do nothing as well. Your only choice is to sue and hopefully get some cash or get back to work. If hes as ignorant as...
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    Mold prevention

    Guaranteed mold at those temp and humidity levels. Buy a cheap window ac and feed it into the tent. $129 US at lowes.
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    How the wealthy constantly screw the poor

    Keeping this strictly monetary and not into a political debate...corporations donate to both sides of the aisle. Why would anyone in the top 1% ($500k+ individual...not a corporation) want to give their money away to someone making less? seems like they win at the game of now...
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    Cooling My 5x10 Grow Tent?

    Window ac is great and easy....
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    Brix testing, best method?

    I want to know too!
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    Opinion on grow method for 5x5 tent

    I dont like it. Do it one way the full run then next run do the opposite. Losing 20% of your already small bloom room makes zero sense to me. Dont be in a such a rush. Relax.