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  1. IGTHY

    How do i know when to harvest.

    Just go to Radio Shack, hobby shop, Wal-Mart, and get a lighted Microscope or magnifying glass. Use this to look at the resin heads and decide how you want your high to be felt. Cloudy heads for uplifting feel, Amber for couch lock or more narcotic feel, Mixed between cloudy and amber for right...
  2. IGTHY

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Hey dank smoker420 are you serious??!!! I was planning on moving out there and that's great to know that prices are up!!
  3. IGTHY

    Succes with freebee seeds?

    Absolutely!! That's how I got into growing starting from some healthy seeds from a partna' of mine!!! Look at my Avatar that was one of the ones I grew from some freebies. Freebies can be great stuff and if you get a male that has great genetics then I would allow them to mate(one branch only)...
  4. IGTHY

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Well I'm sure here in Cali pretty expensive,but how would I know I grow.
  5. IGTHY

    How to hide a Marijuana plant in you're backyard?.

    I haven't been on here in a while. I was up north helping a friend start his greenhouse garden and we built it on four acres of his land. Well to answer that your best bet is to grow Tomatoes. Why? Well Tomatoes grow big enough and they are great concealers,plus the tomatoes use the same...
  6. IGTHY

    Is it possible extend how many hours are in a "grow day" for ur grow while indoors?

    Yes up to 18/6. I mean your plants are only going to grow to their max genetic code no matter how much light,nutrients,water,etc. So I would go 18/6 and I would decide if I want to do cuttings of one as a mother or am I going to flower them all?
  7. IGTHY

    all this talk about BAGSEED

    Well firstly all strains have seeds,but how many? I've always grown my own bud and I have some strains that are 5 harvest old! I grow Fem's and I've always had a total of about 10 seeds out of a plant that yields a pound or 450grams to 500grams!
  8. IGTHY

    how long till shes ready(loads of pics)

    So how long have they been growing?
  9. IGTHY

    Moldy Bud

    If you don't see any other moldy spots I would just pick it off and throw away.
  10. IGTHY

    how long till shes ready(loads of pics)

    I can't tell, what type of strain is she? How long have you been flowering her?
  11. IGTHY

    So whats the story with bagseeds

    Bag seed is cool and it depends on "where"your bagseed comes from. My bagseed comes from a farm of Indica Strains. So I know when I plant those seeds I'm getting the same genetics from the parent plant of the bag seed. I usually plant a male and cross my own strains over and over every season so...
  12. IGTHY

    IS this MOLD??? Black leaves, please help

    No that isn't mold.
  13. IGTHY

    Purpling with a bit of brown spotting???

    It needs Magnesium and Iron.
  14. IGTHY

    HELP!!!!!! can not figure out whats wrong!!

    You have a lot of things going on like; the soil you're using isn't draining well because by you watering everyday the plant wilts. I also see that you have a nitrogen deficiency by looking at the tips of the large water leaves that are yellowed. I would re-do my soil and add perlite so that it...
  15. IGTHY

    Favorite activity to do while high?

    I like to play drums and web surf! How bout you?
  16. IGTHY

    what would yall recomend on a good couchlock?

    Any Hash-type strain or Indica flavor.
  17. IGTHY

    what is this?????

    Looks like a pest.
  18. IGTHY

    $1,400 an ounce

    Yeah people will pay 1400.00 bucks for it . Some people will.
  19. IGTHY

    3 week old plant does it have potential?

    Everything sound good in the lighting,but I would watch how much water I feed it at a time. When they are seedlings like that I would water when the soil on top looks dry.
  20. IGTHY


    I would wait until the lower leaves droop a little before I water again. I mean remember it's a weed that's used to retaining water in itself.