Good day.
I have been playing with drip irrigation on my ladies for some time now.
I originally had 1/2" pvc(Clear) as a feed line.
With each design I use on 1/2" T and 3 x 1/2" 90 degree elbows. So this allows the feed to run the perimeter of the tent. The T is used where the feed line...
I've done this since high school.
I use a new pair of panty hose full of my herb.
Than once cool enough I remove and squeeze it out.
Bam - Clean butter.
I did that but the threaded barbs are leaking at the feed line.
I drained and put food grade sealant on threads.
I'll wait 24hrs for it to cure and think I'll be good.
So I picked up 1/2 feed Line, a hole punching tool, and 1/4" threaded bards for the drip line.
Working great except for leaks at the connection.
Is there a safe sealant someone can reccommend?
Hello all.
I am looking at switching over to organic as nutes are a pain.
I also prefer taste.
I am curious if anyone has a basic recipe for or uses ProMix organic.
It is readily available seems like a good choice.
Just did a reading, and I am getting about 350 Par @ 30" with my cobs running at 230 watts. So just under 60 per cob.
I will bump up to about 400-500 par during veg and then 8-900 during flower.
It worked out to about 900ppfd I was pushing.
Can't remember exact lux numbers before doing math.
But I pulled 17 ozs out of a 3x3 and it vegged under a Mars. First indoor grow.
I expect this round to be much better.
I know that is an option but with shipping I pay $100
OR I get 2 drivers @ 60 and get free shipping.
With 2 drivers my money is all in driver.
I guess I could look at some far red leds and a driver.
I run 4 x CLU1825 3500k @ 113 max a piece and it is perfect.
I only have a lux meter but on 16" centers the canopy gets pretty damn even lighting.
If I was going to run more than 4 I would look at the CXM22s.
Or run 4 x Quantum boards. They are in stock as well as slate 2 sinks right now.
So with 2 boards ordered I am looking at this as the best option for me;
HLG-120H1050B X 2
Reason being is I need to spend 100 to get free shipping. So going this route only cost a few dollars more than one
This way I can run each board independently.
This will allow me to in theory...
So I am looking at the 560s.
I would like to run 4 5000k and 2 5700k. This will simply for vegging.
This will run $100 by the time I pay $40 shipping.
So will the HLG-185-1050B have enough power to do so?
$100 if I add another driver for free shipping.
I think my math is right but...
I moved mine into 400 watt setup a week ago.
They came from CFLs so I bump it up about 20 watts a day until I get where I want to be.
Like mentioned above I run about 300 during veg than hammer down during flower.
Hope this helps.
No where near enough info.
Did you move that new setup in and crank it up? If the plants were not used to tat kind of light it would stress them I would guess.